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  1. #1
    it's about the music
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    What can you tell me about a Luxman T-1 tuner?

    so far the only things i've managed to find concerning this unit is that it was made in 1980, that luxman was a very highly regarded japanese brand, that its entry-level, and that i managed to pick it up for 25 clams, which considering JUST the build quality, seems like the deal of the century to me.
    So what else can you people tell me about it. how does it compare to today's tuners? quality? tips, tricks? any info AT ALL?
    oh and i might end up posting this on the analog forum, but how do i hook this up to a rooftop FM antenna? it doesnt have a standard connection but rather different binding posts labled AM, ground, 75 and 300 ohms.
    I remember the days when I thought 128kbps sounded great and had never spent more than 10 bucks on cables...

  2. #2
    Forum Regular
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Here is a site you might try:

  3. #3
    it's about the music
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    yeah a google search gave me that site, too. It's excellent, but sadly, it doesnt contain any specific info on the T-1.
    thanx a lot thought!
    I remember the days when I thought 128kbps sounded great and had never spent more than 10 bucks on cables...

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