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  1. #1
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    In a dead sea of fluid mercury

    Well I'm a punk rocker - Yes I am

    Anyone else heard that new Cadillac commercial and turned instantly to the web to see who that was singing? For the record -sure enough it is the venerable Iggy Pop and the track is aptly enough titled "Punk Rocker" by some outfit called The Teddy Bears? Come on. As catchy as that track is I'm not too sure the album is all that solid. 5.2 from PitchFork? Listening to the samples on all music I'm stunned at how many of these songs I've heard in other commercials or turning through the radio stations when the kids are in the car.

    It might end up getting it just for this track and then I'll add it next to "Candy" on the next comp I make.

    "Ahh, cartoons! America's only native art form. I don't count jazz 'cuz it sucks"- Bartholomew J. Simpson

  2. #2
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Haven't seen the commercial, but heard the track and have been really curious what the rest of it sounds like. I wouldn't worry about the Pitchfork review. I've liked plenty of stuff they haven't. If you hear the rest of it, let us know what you think.

  3. #3
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    In a dead sea of fluid mercury
    Now with a link to the track!

    Scroll down for an MP3 of the track +two others from the album.

    "Ahh, cartoons! America's only native art form. I don't count jazz 'cuz it sucks"- Bartholomew J. Simpson

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