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Thread: Weakerthan who?

  1. #1
    Forum Regular
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    Weakerthan who?

    Keeping with my other new thread seeking common ground about my newfound band Clearlake from a streaming radio site, I am kinda wondering why the the band The Weakerthans hasn't popped up here yet. Anybody listening to them? I actually haven't heard the entire CD Reconstruction Site yet, as I have a used eBay copy coming to me, but I've been listening to several cuts and find them pretty damn good.

    The sound is tight pop-indie, with the right amount of rock without getting to mushy. AMG's 4-star review says:"[Lead writer John] Sampson's recent work has traded power-chord fury for the slow-burning — but no less hot — embers of fully realized, deceptively simple pop/rock that brings the songwriter's flair for metaphor to stage front.

    I've been a little stingy walking the aisles at my favorite CD shops, so I hadn't picked it up yet. But I am seeing them pop up in quantities at quite a few places, including Borders. Anybody else know them?
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  2. #2
    Forum Regular
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    Jefferson City MO
    What is with that album cover???

  3. #3
    Forum Regular
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    I dunno, but it is a good question. I try to figure out album covers even less than I do some song lyrics. It must come from my muscal upbringing during the Yes Tales... era.

  4. #4
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasn
    Keeping with my other new thread seeking common ground about my newfound band Clearlake from a streaming radio site, I am kinda wondering why the the band The Weakerthans hasn't popped up here yet. Anybody listening to them? I actually haven't heard the entire CD Reconstruction Site yet, as I have a used eBay copy coming to me, but I've been listening to several cuts and find them pretty damn good.
    I've heard a couple of tracks by them and I'm still sitting on the fence. The songs that I heard were okay, but the sound was pretty poor. I'm not sure though if the poor quality was due to poor mixing or just my crappy computer speakers. I'm really interested to know what you think of the CD. Post an opinion once you've had a chance to listen. Thanks.


  5. #5
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    I've got the CD before that, Left and Leaving, and I think a few others around here do as well. It's a pretty good one. Not great, and maybe a bit on the emo side, but still good. Haven't heard anything from the one you mentioned though. I did use a track a long time ago on one of my first comps around here called The Overflow, and there was another on the last Song of the Day comp we did, this song requested by the former Rave Recs regular Rae. And I think a tune or two wound up on another group comp, the Current Rotation Sampler Volume 2 that audiobill put together.

    So, yeah, I guess a few people around here have at least heard them, even if they don't remember

  6. #6
    Forum Regular jack70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasn
    Keeping with my other new thread seeking common ground about my newfound band Clearlake from a streaming radio site, I am kinda wondering why the the band The Weakerthans hasn't popped up here yet. Anybody listening to them? Anybody else know them?
    I've been listening to their stuff for years. A musician friend of mine is a big fan too. Seen em live as well.

    Truth is, there are too many good bands out there, and there's not enough time for everyone to listen to everything. They actually have a pretty high profile compared to many other bands. I'd certainly put them ahead of many of the bands who are regularly mentioned here a lot.
    You don't know... jack

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