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Thread: Tuesday

  1. #26
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ex Lion Tamer
    Meh, sounds like Counting Crows to me
    Originally Posted by Troy: She has that same kind of cleft-pallet, slightly retarded way of singing that so many other people find endearing.

  2. #27
    Toon Robber tentoze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slosh
    Meh, sounds like Counting Crows to me
    Trying to figure out when bruddah-man got the ear transplant.

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  3. #28
    Crackhead Extraordinaire Dusty Chalk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn
    Yeah, it always amuses me when I say Zed and Americans look at me like I'm from another planet. It confuses the heck out of them. Sometimes, when I'm in the US on vacation I just walk up to people and start saying "zed, zed, zed, zed, zed". It's funny how Americans will cross the steet to avoid me.
    Zed is a great word, I use it in Scrabble all the time. When my opponent pseudo-challenged me on it, and asks me what it means, I tell her it's the name of the letter "Z". Then she officially challenged me, and lost a turn. Only once, though. (We're not exactly hardcore players, I think we play maybe once a year.)
    Eschew fascism.
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevef22
    you guys are crackheads.
    I remain,
    Peter aka Dusty Chalk

  4. #29
    C-Z is offline
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    Hey Dave - good to be back, thanks! I have a few of your ancient comps, and twilight has never gone but a few months without a listen - one of the all-time best ones for me.

    Hi ForeverAutumn - thanks for the welcome (back)! We have never met, I think it was me going about the time you entered. In your posts I have read just recently, methinks I like much of your taste in music. Like Dave says, it was Snowbunny that gave me the Zed - which I liked for some reason. I almost chose CeeZed as my new moniker but was not sure if anyone would remember - silly of me to doubt Davey's noggin.

    Jar - I remember the stoner comp - but it wasn't me. I may have a copy, and if I find it as I unpack all my crap (just moved), I'll let you know.

    Dusty - one of these Tuesday threads I'll throw out a brief history of the tuneage that was memorable to me during this interesting last few years of my life. I certainly missed not getting exposed to new stuff (to me) from y'all here.


  5. #30
    Forum Regular DiscoRage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ex Lion Tamer
    Beck - Guero, listened on the way home from the cottage, with the family and my wife says from wha t I thought was a deep slumber; "this whole album is great", don't think I've ever heard those words come out of her before in reference to one of my musical selection.
    You should check out the special edition of Guero. Comes with two discs, disc 1 is CD audio with seven bonus tracks. Disc 2 is DVDA/DD5.1. Comes in a very nice book type packaging with some really great artwork.

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