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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Chris Isaak married to Tracy Ullman.."A Dirty Shame"

    Multi talented Chris Isaak does it again. I just saw some concert footage of him last week and was surprised how good he and his band are.

    Over the weekend we rented some movies including A Dirty Shame because we love Tracy Ullman. I didn't even realize Chris Isaak was in it or that he was even an actor. Turns out he has been in many films that I have watched.

    Anyway, A Dirty Shame is one of the funniest Laugh-Out-Loud movies I have seen in a long time. It rates right up there with Wise Guys(Joe Piscapoe-Danny DeVitto). This movie is a comedy about people who after getting a cuncussion, become sex addicts. These sex addicts are slowly taking over a little community of prudes. The leader is Johnny Knoxville who plays a great part. Although there is lots of reference and inuendo, there is never any real sex to be seen. It turns out that each person with a cuncussion has a different and strange fetish. Keep in mind that this is a John Waters film and can be quite bizzar at times but the dialog is outrageous. Tracy Ullman is just so funny with her body language and faces.

    We watched it a second time and laughed just as much since you can miss some of what is said while you laugh so loud. I highly recomend this film specially for those of us that are over 30something.


  2. #2
    Stainmaster Finch Platte's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Oh, sh!t.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyfi
    I meant to hit the 'Report This Post' button.

    Thanks for the tip- I got home tonite and thought "I shoulda got a movie after work" but now I know what to look for when I get home tomorrow after work and think "I shoulda got a movie after work."

    Your stuffle go out in the USPS in the a.m. Don't get too excited.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Finch Platte

    Your stuffle go out in the USPS in the a.m. Don't get too excited.


    Email me and let me know which ones you should I pick?

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