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  1. #1
    Forum Regular BarryL's Avatar
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    Dec 2001

    TFK Flower Power Deep Cuts

    I've just come across a couple of great Flower King tracks that I overlooked in the past. Of course, given the quantity of material they've put out, and the quantity of half-assed tunes that shouldn't come as a surprise. But they've also produced their share of stunning compositions.

    Anyway, If you have Flower Power, take another listen to:

    Deaf, Numb & Blind
    Magic Pie

    And Stolt rocks on Stupid Girl and Coming Home.

    I continue to be amazed by Tomas Bodin's keyboard skills, especially the quantity of different sounds he can pack into a song.

    The best work of TFKs is unsurpassed by any other prog band in the last five years, with the possible exception of a handful of Spock's Beard classics.

    The best work of this band just keeps getting better and better.

  2. #2
    Close 'n PlayŽ user Troy's Avatar
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    Highway 6, between Tonopah and Ely
    I've always liked that second "Flower Power" disc more than the other one. "Stupid Girl" is a red-headed stepchild among most prog fans, but I like that one a lot. "Deaf" is really good and I like "Psychedelic Postcard" too. Classic FK toonage.

  3. #3
    Forum Regular
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    Flower Power stinks

    Ha just kidding, but I don't think it's their best work by any stretch.

    Lots of talk on a TFK mailing list I get about "Stupid Girl".

    I have a bunch of live TFK sttuff you can have if you want it.

    By the way Barry, did you ever get my package?

    I sent it well over a month ago.


  4. #4
    Forum Regular BarryL's Avatar
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    Dec 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    I've always liked that second "Flower Power" disc more than the other one. "Stupid Girl" is a red-headed stepchild among most prog fans, but I like that one a lot. "Deaf" is really good and I like "Psychedelic Postcard" too. Classic FK toonage.

    The first disk, Flower, was much ignored by me, but recently I've spun Garden of Dreams a number of times, and I've come to like it. Yeah, it's a bit of (understatement) a hash, with everything thrown in, but it flows okay and has its moments. At 59:57, I don't know why they didn't make it an even 60:00.

    I think if you pared down all the FK material to their top quality material, you'd still have output in excess of ELP, and it would stand up there with them as an accomplished body of creative and influential work in the genre. I guess time will tell.

    I think the last three Moraz piano solo CDs all clocked in at exactly 60:00.

  5. #5
    Forum Regular BarryL's Avatar
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    Dec 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by Dave_G
    I have a bunch of live TFK sttuff you can have if you want it.

    By the way Barry, did you ever get my package?

    I sent it well over a month ago.

    Sure, I'll take the live stuff. I have one live album probably from the late 1990s.

    Got your package. I responded somewhere else where you asked me. So far I've only listened to The Lens. I thought that was pretty good. Just one listen though, so it can still get more wear and tear from me. Looking forward to listening to the others you sent.

    Thnx again.

  6. #6
    Close 'n PlayŽ user Troy's Avatar
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    Highway 6, between Tonopah and Ely
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave_G
    Lots of talk on a TFK mailing list I get about "Stupid Girl".
    They crap all over it, don't they?

    It's playing as I type this. It's campy and coooool! Thoise guys are progsnob idjits.

  7. #7
    Close 'n PlayŽ user Troy's Avatar
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    Highway 6, between Tonopah and Ely
    Quote Originally Posted by BarryL
    The first disk, Flower, was much ignored by me, but recently I've spun Garden of Dreams a number of times, and I've come to like it. Yeah, it's a bit of (understatement) a hash, with everything thrown in, but it flows okay and has its moments. At 59:57, I don't know why they didn't make it an even 60:00.

    I think if you pared down all the FK material to their top quality material, you'd still have output in excess of ELP, and it would stand up there with them as an accomplished body of creative and influential work in the genre. I guess time will tell.

    I think the last three Moraz piano solo CDs all clocked in at exactly 60:00.
    The last 15 minutes of "Garden" is one of the best things the band ever did, pity it's buried in this hour long hodge-podge.

    I have no doubt that the best 4 hours of the FK's is better than all of ELP.

  8. #8
    Forum Regular
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    Still tho this album is better than any stuff that Barry Manilow did.


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