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  1. #1
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
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    Take this job and...

    Words of action from the inimitable Johnny Paycheck. I took a higher road of course but I'm changing jobs and just now finishing up my last week at my current gym before relocating to a different job at a different gym. Not really sure I wanted to make a career out of the fitness industry but as of today that's where my choices have taken me. At any rate, by this time next week I'll be the GM of Quivira Sports and Health. It's something that I'm actually looking forward to but at the same time I'm a bit apprehensive. At the very least it will be a better, more professional atmosphere than my current gig and I'll make sure that holds true.

    So the actual reason for the post is to explain that like all of you, I've been busy. Too busy in fact to post an end of year comp. Heck, I didn't even post a top 10 of 2006. Come to think of it, I didn't see a bunch of posts from many wrapping up the past year. I missed it quite a bit and I'm assuming that anyone who remains here did as well. Why didn't you post a list/comp? Didn't find anything all that great? Too busy? Bring us up to date please.

    Many thanks to Nobody and Slosh for being the only ones I recall off hand for ending 2006 appropriately, with a comp. Kudos to both of you.

    I'm going to try really hard to come up with both a belated comp and list of faves by Wednesday. If you've got some time or a plan for the future, I'd love to read about it.

    "Ahh, cartoons! America's only native art form. I don't count jazz 'cuz it sucks"- Bartholomew J. Simpson

  2. #2
    Close 'n Play® user Troy's Avatar
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    I just didn't buy a whole lot of music last year.

    I know that whole litany of "There's no good music anymore" is a general fallacy that people here like J will constantly call people out on. But I'll be honest. Most of the music I DID buy last year was pretty mediocre and derivative to the point of being utterly uninspiring. I've read a lot of year end lists and virtually nothing on them interests me.

    To those of you ready to rattle off a list of great stuff that came out last year for my benefit, don't bother. Some years are good music years, some are bad. 2006 was bad.

    I spent last year reaquainting myself with the nearly 2000 CDs already in my music collection. It's interesting to see what has any legs from all the music I bought over . . . oh . . . the last 7 years or so. As it turns out, not a lot.

  3. #3
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    You're a trainer of some sort? OK...answer me do I lose weight without exercising and eating a ton of pizza and drinking a lot of beer? I know all you guys know how but are just holding out to keep in a job.

    Some good stuff this year, made a comp, but I'm through with the best of lists I think. Just way too much stuff comes out nowadays for me to even pretend to have a handle on it all. I find stuff I like and am happy. Is it the "best' that comes out in any given year? I have no idea and I'm fine with that.

    Looking forward to picking up the Good the Bad and the Queen that just came out today...may not get a chance until the weekend, but expect to get my grubby mits on it then at the latest.

  4. #4
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
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    In a dead sea of fluid mercury
    Quote Originally Posted by Troy

    To those of you ready to rattle off a list of great stuff that came out last year for my benefit, don't bother. Some years are good music years, some are bad. 2006 was bad.
    Do you recall the actual moment when you became a crumodgeonly old fart?

    I will admit that I didn't find anywhere near the amount of stuff I usually stumble on to. A huge part of that was the slow and agonizing downward spiral of RR. Not many comps with new music to sample. No group comps that I can recall. Post counts way down for most of the old guard.

    I promise you that there was some great music that you missed out on. I guess you'll live, but it won't be a good a life as it might have been!!!

    "Ahh, cartoons! America's only native art form. I don't count jazz 'cuz it sucks"- Bartholomew J. Simpson

  5. #5
    Forum Regular MindGoneHaywire's Avatar
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    I thought 2006 was pretty weak, actually. I enjoyed the NY Dolls rec, the Tom Waits, the Arctic Monkeys, Cheap Trick, and maybe one or two more that I can't recall at the moment. There was a lot of good stuff in 2004 & 2005, but last year was a dud. There were some worthy followups, but compared to the previous recs they just didn't stand out. The Beck rec was disappointing, sounded like outtakes from Guero, and if they weren't, then he should've taken that extra year that most seem to use to come up with enough serviceable toons to put together a decent rec. Instead, it was smoke, mirrors, & gimmickry. Oh, well.

    Just because as a generalization it's a fallacy, doesn't mean there can't be stinker years for music. Last year was one, I think.
    Last edited by MindGoneHaywire; 01-23-2007 at 08:10 PM.

    I don't like others.

  6. #6
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nobody
    You're a trainer of some sort? OK...answer me do I lose weight without exercising and eating a ton of pizza and drinking a lot of beer? I know all you guys know how but are just holding out to keep in a job.

    Ha! That's the funny thing. I'm not a trainer nor would anyone mistake me for one. I'm basically a former sales type guy for big companies (Nestle and Hormel) that somehow ended up running gyms. It's a long story but you'll recall that I took several years off to raise my children.

    I don't drink but I eat way too much pizza and the older I get, the more it shows. I share your pain but not enough to pass on the barbeque.

    "Ahh, cartoons! America's only native art form. I don't count jazz 'cuz it sucks"- Bartholomew J. Simpson

  7. #7
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    I started off thinking that 2006 was a bad music year, but then I started to list the stuff that I bought and liked. There wasn't nearly as much as in 2005, but still there was some really good stuff. The funny thing is...the list is mostly made up of Canadian bands that most of you have probably never heard. I keep thinking that I should put together a Canadian comp, like I did with Canadian Toonies a few years back, but finding the time seems to be a problem.

    Jim, congrats on the new job! It's always a little scary moving from the evil that you know to the evil that you don't know. I'm also in the process of interviewing for a new job. I wasn't looking to leave my current job but got a call from a Headhunter with an opportunity that I couldn't pass up. I met with the Company on Monday and, according to the Headhunter, am the lead candidate so far (they have two more to meet with next week). Keep your fingers crossed for me.

  8. #8
    Close 'n Play® user Troy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Clark
    Do you recall the actual moment when you became a crumodgeonly old fart?
    It was decades ago.

  9. #9
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn
    Keep your fingers crossed for me.
    You know I will.

    "Ahh, cartoons! America's only native art form. I don't count jazz 'cuz it sucks"- Bartholomew J. Simpson

  10. #10
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Hey! Over here!
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Clark
    I will admit that I didn't find anywhere near the amount of stuff I usually stumble on to. A huge part of that was the slow and agonizing downward spiral of RR. Not many comps with new music to sample. No group comps that I can recall. Post counts way down for most of the old guard.
    I think the novelty is wearing off. I know I can't spend as much time on this website like I used to...for one thing, I'm on the west coast and can't post until most of you guy's bedtime, so the turnaround time for a response is sometimes a day. (I can't post at work, since I too, started a new job as of late.)

    It is a shame that the year-end review comps fell by the wayside cuz that's how I came into a lot of new music, but to be honest, only a few songs ever intersted me per comp. Sometimes more than a few, but usually, just a few. Besides, I rarely, if ever, contributed cuz I already know where most people stand on prog here so. I benefitted way more than I contributed.

    But other than to stop by and say "hey" there hasn't been a lot of reason to post, for me anyway. 2006 hasn't been gangbusters for me either, musically speaking. There have been some bright spots, but mostly at the beginning of the year.

    Congrats on your new job, btw.

  11. #11
    Toon Robber tentoze's Avatar
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    I did throw a quick and dirty y/e comp together, but I honestly don't know what, if anything, on it might hold any interest for you. If you're feeling at all adventurous, PM me.
    ----Never Off Topic, Never Rude-----

  12. #12
    Forum Regular
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    Well I planned to send one out just before Christmas, even though the last comp I sent out got absolutely zero response, but the problem is I’m still finding things from 2006. Stuff like the White Rose Movement – Kick, which I picked up only yesterday, it’s got a great 80’s retro Depeche Mode sound. Personally I thought 2006 was a good year with some cracking sounds that I’ll still be playing for a long time so I still plan to do a comp and send one out probably in the next week or so if I can find the time.

    Comps have died a death round here which is a shame it’s a great way of hearing new sounds outside your zone, and I know we can transfer stuff over the web but it lacks the personal touch for me even down to the artwork, plus I like it when someone does the job for me and just sends me something I can slap in the drawer.

    Picked up my first purchase of 2007 the other day Damon Albarn’s The Good, The Bad and The Queen. It’s very heavy on the bass almost dub in parts but without the emphasis on the drums and the vocals pushed back in the mix, I like it but I think I was expecting more, it could do with a bit more variation.


  13. #13
    Crackhead Extraordinaire Dusty Chalk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Clark
    Why didn't you post a list/comp?
    Because I suck.

    I'm still discovering music from 2005, you want me to start working on 2006 already? I haven't even picked up that Woven Hand album yet, and I've picked up the Frank Black, but haven't listened to it yet.

    Troy -- fine, I'll be the one to say it: there's plenty of good music, it's just getting harder to find. Did you end up liking Pure Reason Revolution? I woulda thought you woulda liked that one at least. If you're not liking what you're picking up, then you're doing it wrong. You're either getting your recommendations from the wrong people, or you're in the wrong frame of mind, or something. There's no excuse not to hear samples of something before one buys it at this point.

    There's also the possibility -- albeit small -- that you're a curmudgeonly old fart. Maybe you should invest in some Lawrence Welk.
    Eschew fascism.
    Truth Will Out.
    Quote Originally Posted by stevef22
    you guys are crackheads.
    I remain,
    Peter aka Dusty Chalk

  14. #14
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    Well, that's better than what happened to me and my...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Clark
    Words of action from the inimitable Johnny Paycheck. I took a higher road of course but I'm changing jobs and just now finishing up my last week at my current gym before relocating to a different job at a different gym. Not really sure I wanted to make a career out of the fitness industry but as of today that's where my choices have taken me. At any rate, by this time next week I'll be the GM of Quivira Sports and Health. It's something that I'm actually looking forward to but at the same time I'm a bit apprehensive. At the very least it will be a better, more professional atmosphere than my current gig and I'll make sure that holds true.

    ...entire division. After 10+ years with the company, and 5 of my reps have been with me for 8 or more years, our parent bank is shutting us down for good. I have a really nice severance package and will be fine financially and all, but I have a lot of concern for the other 600 or so people who are being impacted by this. I've had 4 interviews already and another on Friday, and I'm hoping I can find something that will allow me to bring most of my sales team with me, but that may be a tall order.

    In the meantime, I'll be heading to the Riviera Maya for some much needed R & R and some sunshine...not to mention the all inclusive restaurants and bars, so I may need your advice on how to trim down after that vacation. Perhaps Nobody and I can work out game plan together since we both like pizza and beer so much.

    I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people that I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

    If you say the word 'gullible' very slowly it sounds just like oranges.

  15. #15
    Man of the People Forums Moderator bobsticks's Avatar
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    down there

    2007: The year of change?

    I just finished my first week in a new office with a new group of facilities for which I am resposible. Same company, so I guess I should feel pretty fortunate--especially after reading this. Good luck guys.

    As for comps, I haven't really indulged if only because in terms of R&R I generally play "follow the leader" with you characters. I've been lovin some Arctic Monkeys, Willard Grant, Decemberists and the like but I seriously doubt that I own enough different things from 2006 to make an interesting comp...

    ...and I also doubt anyone would be interested in a jazz comp.


  16. #16
    Do What? jrhymeammo's Avatar
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    Congrats and best wishes to you on your new job. I'll be starting my first "REAL" job on thge 29th... I'm sure I'll be fine.

    I hope 2007 will bang out some good albums. I listened to The Decemberist at a Virgin MegaStore you guys talked about. I was not impressed at all, just not my thing. I need to start buying some new music. I know I need to go repurchase Robert Brandley;s Blackwater Suprise and Old Crow Medicine Show... but that's not new new. I wanna be excited about some new music.............. I've been hoping for that to happen for a while. Still waiting.

  17. #17
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn
    Jim, congrats on the new job! It's always a little scary moving from the evil that you know to the evil that you don't know. I'm also in the process of interviewing for a new job. I wasn't looking to leave my current job but got a call from a Headhunter with an opportunity that I couldn't pass up. I met with the Company on Monday and, according to the Headhunter, am the lead candidate so far (they have two more to meet with next week). Keep your fingers crossed for me.
    Well the finger crossing must have worked! I got the job. I start my new job on March 19. I resigned from my current job yesterday and told them that I would stay until March 9. I'll take a week off in between to clear my head. I'm excited. But sad to leave my old job too. I like my job and the people that I work with. But the new role takes me closer to my long-term career goals. Strike up the band!!

  18. #18
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn
    Well the finger crossing must have worked! I got the job. I start my new job on March 19. I resigned from my current job yesterday and told them that I would stay until March 9. I'll take a week off in between to clear my head. I'm excited. But sad to leave my old job too. I like my job and the people that I work with. But the new role takes me closer to my long-term career goals. Strike up the band!!

    Awesome. Was quitting uncomfortable? The place I was at told me I was one of the key people and made me a counter offer to stay. I declined and worked out my last two weeks which was kind of weird but it's nice I was trusted enough not to tank those weeks. Kind of nice to be wanted but it was a really weird experience.

    Anyway, good luck at the new joint and don't blow all of the extra dough on records.

    "Ahh, cartoons! America's only native art form. I don't count jazz 'cuz it sucks"- Bartholomew J. Simpson

  19. #19
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Clark
    Awesome. Was quitting uncomfortable? The place I was at told me I was one of the key people and made me a counter offer to stay. I declined and worked out my last two weeks which was kind of weird but it's nice I was trusted enough not to tank those weeks. Kind of nice to be wanted but it was a really weird experience.

    Anyway, good luck at the new joint and don't blow all of the extra dough on records.

    Yes, it was very strange. Before I resigned, I had a customer meeting in the morning. So I had to sit through the meeting, talking about our latest products and actually discussed a deal that would be the largest of my career if I was gonna be around to see it through!

    To make things even worse, one of our sales people was fired an hour before I resigned. So I walked into my boss's office knowing that he was losing two people on the same day. He did offer to talk to his boss to see whether a counter-offer was possible, but I told him not to bother. Money wasn't my motivation for leaving. I actually hate when companies counter-offer. To me it says, "we could be paying you more, but we choose not to because we can get away with it".

    He asked me not to tell anyone else until Monday, just so that everyone wouldn't be asking what the *$%# was going on with two people leaving at once. We have a Sales Meeting on Monday, where he'll announce my resignation to the rest of the team and put the right positive spin on it so it won't be tied to the other person being fired. I worked from home today so that I won't have to see any of my collegues.

    But on the good new boss called me this morning to officially welcome me to the company and invite me to a sales conference in San Diego in the which my husband is also welcome. I already love my new job!!!!

  20. #20
    Forum Regular Audio Girl's Avatar
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    Congrats, Jim. This year has been the worst possible at my company. I have been there for 8 years and this was the worst.

    I have been involved in the healthcare industry for over 24 years. I was extremely thin (at one time i was 8% body fat, 110 pounds, 5', 6") until my early 40's. And, then the unfortunate happened. I gained more weight than I thought possible, yet most people thought of me within normal weight limits.

    For those wishing to lose weight, particularly females over age 50, here is what worked for me: (1) Significant portion control yet enough to fuel energy; (2) Little to no fat caloric intake; (3) Significant water consumption, than you believed you were ever capable of doing; (4) I exercised very little (sorry, just trying to be honest); (5) absolutely no wine, alcohol of any form.

    I lost 30 pounds in less than 8 weeks. My colleagues were shocked when they saw me at a meeting in early December 2006 and then at a meeting in late January 2007.

    I had always been thin. Being structured and disciplined, returned me to my former slim self. I will never return to overweight situation I experienced. I also found support from a group called "Metabolic Research", although I could participate in few of their supplements because of my high blood pressure issues.

    If you, your loved one, or otherwise are experiencing issues with weight, please seek out the support of someone who can help you. One particular individual's support changed my life in November 2006, and made me believe that I could return to my former slim self. I did this without drugs, amphetamines, etc. It basically came down to self control and discipline.

    "And the three gifts of moving on are forgiveness, hope, and the great beyond, After that perhaps peace can come, Peace will come." -- Mary Chapin Carpenter (2007)

  21. #21
    Forum Regular Audio Girl's Avatar
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    Swisheroo, Forever Autumn, and Jim,

    Best wishes for your new endeavors that are secured, and best wishes for those that are on the horizon. I realize that my husband and I could be joining the ranks of the unemployed or those looking for a better opportunity at any time. I still believe in my company and its products, and hope they feel likewise. But, you just never know, and just because you believe doesn't necessarily mean it is so in Corporate America. Everytime my boss comes in for a "field day", I always wonder if this is the moment of truth with our company (since I am over 50). If it is, I will pray God gives me the strength to pick myself up, dust myself off, and move on.

    Good luck to all of you,
    "And the three gifts of moving on are forgiveness, hope, and the great beyond, After that perhaps peace can come, Peace will come." -- Mary Chapin Carpenter (2007)

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