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  1. #1
    Suspended Smokey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Cool The Statler Brothers: Harmony of voices.

    Didn't pay much too close attention to this old time group till borrowed one of their greatest hit CD from a friend. Man, these guys could sing. Their original roots is in gospel. but they have managed to crank out few [and lot more] killer country songs on the way.

    On songs such as Elizabeth or My Only Love, one can't help but being drawn to haunting and harmonic voices from these legends

  2. #2
    Dubgazer -Jar-'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Cleveland, Ohio
    I grew up listening to these guys...

    "Flowers on the wall that don't bother me at all,
    Playing solitare till dawn with a deck of 51,
    Smokin' cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo
    Now don't tell me..
    I've nothing to do.. "

    good memories.
    If being afraid is a crime we'll hang side-by-side,
    at the swingin' party down the line..

    The Replacements

  3. #3
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hey! Over here!
    My dad was a huge fan of these guys back in the day. He had lots of 8-tracks of this style of country music. I'd have to say I liked them too, but they never were the same after their original tenor (Lew Dewitt) died of Crohn's diseaseat the group's peak. He had the most pure tenor voice I've ever heard. He was also their best writer IMO. I remember these guys also used to do a radio comedy show as Roadhog and the Cadillac Cowboys.

    I also liked Tom T Hall and Marty Robbins as well; both were much played around my house when I was a chirlin.

  4. #4
    Suspended Smokey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Thanks guys for the memories.

    I hope this thread is not an indication of our age

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