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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Sound card to Pre-amp

    Can I use a 1/8 mini to RCA stereo connect to hook a PC to my stereo without damaging my Pre-amp?

    After discovering Pandora and a few other internet stations, I set up a PC in my livingroom via wireless but with crappy PC speakers. I would like to run it thru my main system.

    If this is not the way to do this, can someone recomend the correct way please?



  2. #2
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    That'll work just fine but if you get noise from the power supply/fans/hard drives just buy yourself an inexpensive (under $50) external USB soundcard. If you're just streaming internet radio sound quality won't be good anyway so why put money into it? Plus most external soundcard's have digital outs so you can use your stereo's DAC if you have one.
    Originally Posted by Troy: She has that same kind of cleft-pallet, slightly retarded way of singing that so many other people find endearing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Slosh
    That'll work just fine but if you get noise from the power supply/fans/hard drives just buy yourself an inexpensive (under $50) external USB soundcard. If you're just streaming internet radio sound quality won't be good anyway so why put money into it? Plus most external soundcard's have digital outs so you can use your stereo's DAC if you have one.
    Thanks. That what I wanted to hear. Now that I have these stations playing exactly what I want, I set up a PC downstairs with a SoundBlaster card and a wireless nic. I was thinking about buying a decent PC Speaker setup but that would mean three stereos in one room. I just want to hook it up to the main system since no matter how crappy the sonics, it will sound better through the Danes than a $20 pair of PC speakers. I do plan to build an all out HTPC in the future but for now this will work.

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