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  1. #1
    Grotesquely Fat Man
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    My new friend Tibor is sending me Lactator Tots

    Tibor promised not to send me any porn if I gave him my mailing address.
    So,courtesy of his cousin Punjab,I will soon be blaring some of the worst music? ever put on cd at my wife beating neighbor. Hopefully this will cure my neighbor from thumping on his allmost toothless wife. She's been winking at me lately and that makes me nervous. I will post a full review of this music? as soon as I receive it from Pakistan.

    I have also possibly found Mrs.Freight Train at the web site Tibor so kindly posted. Love blooms quickly and she wishes me to send her 500.00 for plane fare. I really think I have found the right girl for me. She says she has a full set of teeth but that darn veil they wear makes it hard to tell.

    What a great site this is.
    Thank you all so much and may god bless
    EC Freight Train

  2. #2
    Forum Regular
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Karachi, Pakistan
    My pleasure keemsab. And to be the truthful one, I must of course admit that the tater tots CD that Punjy sent me certainly had its moments share of many them. Stan Ridgway who met Vangelis who then met Isao Tomita or Kitaro in places. As good as Vinderloo Matsuumaya at his best? No. But then again not? who isn't.

    My cousin Susanti is very well pleased with your initial communication and look forward, not to the rear, to convertng you to the ways of the prophet Mohhamed thru intensive instructure on the 'quoran.. She was at first worried would you say about your reaction to her mustache but were pleased when she heard that you had not lain with women in 10 years and did not like goats either. That is very important. Your promise to lose 100kg was very important in the cinching of the deal. Good luck new America friend.
    Goats goats goats, where did all the goats come from????

  3. #3
    Forum Regular
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    A sometimes wet and damp York, England


    I've got to say that did have me laughing out loud on a quiet Monday afternoon, keep up the good work


  4. #4
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hey! Over here!

    This is absolutely terrible!

    How come I can't stop laughing?

    Now that Hunter S Thompson is'll have to do.

    And have a salad for pete's sake!

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