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  1. #1
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Russian Spock's Beard

    This is actually an english singing prog band from Russia and they sound very similar to Spock's Beard. Wierd. Pretty good actually, but not very original. Their name is, of all things, Apple Pie.

    Vocals spotty in places, but not as bad as one might think. I'd say that they are to Spock's Beard, what Starcastle was to Yes (lyrics are very twee). They have a loose grasp of english, and a firm grasp of 70s style prog. May even lean closer to GG than SB.

    But the reviewer at DPRP rates this higher than anything put out by Dream Theater or Spock's Beard? especially Morse era SB? This review is the definition of hyperbole. Its better than I thought it would be, but still, better than DT or SB? No. That's a good way to turn people off of a band, not 'on'.

    I'd give it a shot, just going from the samples.

  2. #2
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    First Puppet Show and now Apple Pie. What is the prog world coming to?!

    I'll have to listen on the weekend, at home.

  3. #3
    Forum Regular BarryL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3-LockBox
    This is actually an english singing prog band from Russia and they sound very similar to Spock's Beard. Wierd. Pretty good actually, but not very original. Their name is, of all things, Apple Pie.

    I listened to two tunes, and I'm not sure about the Spock's Beard reference. These guys don't have anyting near the chops of SB.

    The first song I played sounded more like Camel or RPWL. Very melodic guitar playing over top of synthsizer. The second tune started off sounding a bit like SB, but then mellowed out.

    I think I'll wait for new releases by the real deals.

  4. #4
    Stainmaster Finch Platte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3-LockBox
    But the reviewer at DPRP rates this higher than anything put out by Dream Theater or Spock's Beard? especially Morse era SB? This review is the definition of hyperbole.
    Russians are known to be pretty good at bribing.



  5. #5
    Close 'n PlayŽ user Troy's Avatar
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    Yeah, I get the Beard reference for sure. Solution sounds just like Styx. Sure to be a hit for Asia fans too. The RPWL ref is spot on too.

    Some OK moments, but I've heard it all before. I find very little to like in these "Lets use every 70s cliche we can think of" 3rd wave bands.

    Does anyone actually read the reviews at DPRP? It's just a fansite written by people with little or no credibility.

  6. #6
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    Does anyone actually read the reviews at DPRP? It's just a fansite written by people with little or no credibility.
    Nope. I get the bulk of my new music intros quite accidentally. On this site, it's by stumbling across bands and polling members whose opinions I trust. Or catching references on similar websites (or the sites of bands I like). Reviews these days are mostly counterintuitive. There's too much tendency to criticize music people enjoy simply because it's popular with a crowd - almost like the reviewers are challenged to justify their contrary opinion.

    Likewise, some really weak, spotty bands, with only a glimmer of hope for improvement seem to get pushed. Too many groups who will never make it "big", but continue to put out what many consider great music slip through the cracks. Ugh. Music is becoming too much like literature or fine art - an elitist culture of exclusion.

    Achieving success is the kiss of death in Critic-Land.

  7. #7
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Hey! Over here!
    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    Does anyone actually read the reviews at DPRP? It's just a fansite written by people with little or no credibility.
    What's credibility? Getting paid? Progressive rock has no credibility in the mainstream media, but I still like it. Just about every music website you can visit can be called fanboyish. DPRP certainly has its share of fawning reviewers. It's not unlike any other review site on the web. You can read gushing reviews about bands who play prog at PE, Ground & Sky, ProgRock, etc, etc. I visit mainly for the samples. DPRP have actually slagged several albums I like, so I temper any review I read from them, and every other website that offer reviews.

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