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  1. #1
    Forum Regular
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    May 2002

    Review - The Flower Kings - Adam & Eve

    This new album is great.

    Different artwork, different music.

    This TFK title is unlike any other TFK titles. Gone is the noodling, gone are the cheesy jazz horns, in is someone else handling the lead vocal duty (mostly).

    Yes, it has the clssic TFK sound and style, but it's different this time. A little "harder rock" if you will.

    Roine only sings lead on about 1/4th of the disc, the rest is handled by Daniel Gildenlow, and it works just fine, even tho I don't mind Roine on lead vocal at all.

    This is not "more of the same" and TFK are progressing nicely. The 2 instrumental tracks are nice too, here again it's familiar TFK sound but a little different.

    Highly recommended.

    Plus the bonus is I got it at a BestBuy who NEVER carries anything worth a crap, and it was only $13.99 for crying out loud. I almost fell out when I saw it in the stacks, surrounded by Christine Aguliera best hits discs and other fodder BestBuy is known for.



  2. #2
    Stainmaster Finch Platte's Avatar
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    Nov 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Dave_G
    This new album is great.
    I've been searching Tower and Best Buy for it, but no luck. And they wonder why people go online to buy stuff (there wasn't even a card for FK in either store- how many discs do they have out???). Thanks for the review.

    A friend gave me a 2-disc set of Rush from the current tour (sounds like it was recorded from the soundboard- you can hear people whooping and hollering). The quality's just ok, but if you want a copy, let me know.


  3. #3
    Forum Regular Demetrio's Avatar
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    C.Grande, PB - Brazil
    Hey, Dave, you HAVE TO see that Kayak dvd I mentioned in the other thread, I'm sure you'll love it!!

    Together with this Kayak masterpiece, I also got two other dvd's this week: Pallas "The Blinding Darkness" and The Flower Kings "Meet the F.K.". As you know (you recommended this a time ago), this Pallas show is just awesome. The FK dvd is also awesome, Roine Stolt is really a magician playing his guitar. By the way, his guitar has a different design, very modern looking... I loved it.

    Thanks for the nice review, I must get this new FK cd very soon.


  4. #4
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    Hey! Over here!
    Thanks for the review. I've always wanted to root for these guys, but yeah, those chessy sax interludes and new age sound effects were hard to take. I only own one FK disc,Space Revolver, and it never has really stayed in my rotation. I'll have to look for this disc next week, as I'm still auditioning HT systems.

  5. #5
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Finch Platte
    A friend gave me a 2-disc set of Rush from the current tour (sounds like it was recorded from the soundboard- you can hear people whooping and hollering). The quality's just ok, but if you want a copy, let me know.

    Could I get a copy of that? Please, please, please, pretty please?!

    Only six more sleeps until I see Rush live!

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