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  1. #1
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    rat music for rat people

    Anybody got either of the fiorst two volumes of this compilation series? The wife's old cassette with 'em both taped on 'em is long gone and she's been goin' on about wanting to hear 'em. All three are outta print and I can only find the set of three discs for close to a hundred bucks. If anybody could help me out, let me know. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    Hey! Over here!

    I thought this was a thread about the group Ratt...

  3. #3
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
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    In a dead sea of fluid mercury
    and I thought it was about the new Walkmen album!

    "Ahh, cartoons! America's only native art form. I don't count jazz 'cuz it sucks"- Bartholomew J. Simpson

  4. #4
    Color me gone... Resident Loser's Avatar
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    ...I thought it might be about the Good Rats' Rat City In Blue...or Rats To Riches...

    jimHJJ('s not...rats...)
    Hello, I'm a misanthrope...don't ask me why, just take a good look around.

    "Men would rather believe than know" -Sociobiology: The New Synthesis by Edward O. Wilson

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    "We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves" -Goethe

    If you repeat a lie often enough, some will believe it to be the truth...

  5. #5
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Anywhere but here...
    I was born the year of the Rat. Is this music for me?
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  6. #6
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    I'm a rat person. I've had four of the furry critters as pets. One of them was named Autumn. I wonder what kind of music they would have liked?

  7. #7
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    I guess I'm out of luck.

    They're old hardcore compilations. Got stuff like DOA, MDC, Big Boys, Flipper, Crucifux and things of that sort on 'em.

    I never should have trashed and sold off most of my olf hardcore records. Dam things are pricey nowadays.

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