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Thread: Power of Music

  1. #1
    Suspended Smokey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Power of Music

    The clip show how music can effect a person and reach its inner soul. This old guy at the nursing home who is quite unresponsive comes alive when hearing music from his youth.

  2. #2
    42 Regular
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    Jan 2003
    West of the fields, long gone
    It is one of life's great mysteries how combinations of sounds and tones and rhythms can, all by themselves, elicit such a strong emotional and cognitive reaction in the human mind. When you think of it completely objectively, it really is amazing.
    Mr. MidFi
    Master of the Obvious

  3. #3
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I remember there was a famous singer, when I was a kid, who had a really bad stutter when he spoke but could sing without stuttering at all. I think he was a country singer.

  4. #4
    Suspended Smokey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Thanks FA

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr MidFi View Post
    It is one of life's great mysteries how combinations of sounds and tones and rhythms can, all by themselves, elicit such a strong emotional and cognitive reaction in the human mind. When you think of it completely objectively, it really is amazing.
    I agree. I don't know if you all ever felt depression or not (hopefully never), but music can be used to lessen its effect to great degree. I use it all the time when feeling low. Pop music from 60s and 70's seem to work best.

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