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  1. #1
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Perfect song endings

    Some of you know my long held (and probably irrational) gripe that I've often expressed around these parts about the lazy ****s who just fadeout their songs without a proper ending. You know the type. For some reason they think it's alright to just keep playing and then go in later and pick a spot to slowly fade it out. I mean, like how much ****ing trouble is it to just rehearse the damn thing a couple times and figure out ahead of time how you wanna end it? Is it really all that complicated? OK, so rant over. What are a few of your favorites that are properly ended?

    One I really like is also one of my favorite songs of the 90s, the closer from Yo La Tengo's Electr-O-Pura. Blue Line Swinger. Comes to a perfect ending with everybody stopping on cue, reverberations slowly dying out. Sounds live in the studio.

    Lots of great endings and transitions on the Libertines second album that I'm playing right now, which was the inspiration for this post. Kind of like the band that inspired them, the Clash. One of the charms about this record. Very much like they were bouncing around in the studio, no indecision, that's good enough, wrap it up and move on.

    Saw that Wilco show on ACL the other night and they were hot with the endings, lots of whammy bar action. Who'd ever use a fadeout in concert?

    So much easier to put a tight sounding compilation together when the songs have a proper ending. Love it when they leave an amp buzzing loud with modulated feedback or something like that to take it spiraling on out in style.

    ...and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. Now there was a colossal ending! One of Ringo's only drum solos. The end of the album that spelled the end of Beatles. Is the following short and sweet "Her Majesty" really in the wrong place? It does seem like it when the album is listened to as a whole. People have always said it should be between "Mean Mr. Mustard" and "Polythene Pam", haven't they? Anyone with the CD ever tried programming it like that? I only have the LP so never tried it.

    **** means something really bad
    Last edited by Davey; 12-24-2005 at 02:54 PM. Reason: foul language

  2. #2
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    You're dropping the f bomb with regularity these days.

    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    Some of you know my long held (and probably irrational) gripe that I've often expressed around these parts about the lazy fucks who just fadeout their songs without a proper ending. You know the type. For some reason they think it's alright to just keep playing and then go in later and pick a spot to slowly fade it out. I mean, like how much fucking trouble is it to just rehearse the damn thing a couple times and figure out ahead of time how you wanna end it? Is it really all that complicated? OK, so rant over. What are a few of your favorites that are properly ended?

    One I really like is also one of my favorite songs of the 90s, the closer from Yo La Tengo's Electr-O-Pura. Blue Line Swinger. Comes to a perfect ending with everybody stopping on cue, reverberations slowly dying out. Sounds live in the studio.

    Lots of great endings and transitions on the Libertines second album that I'm playing right now, which was the inspiration for this post. Kind of like the band that inspired them, the Clash. One of the charms about this record. Very much like they were bouncing around in the studio, no indecision, that's good enough, wrap it up and move on.

    Saw that Wilco show on ACL the other night and they were hot with the endings, lots of whammy bar action. Who'd ever use a fadeout in concert?

    So much easier to put a tight sounding compilation together when the songs have a proper ending. Love it when they leave an amp buzzing loud with modulated feedback or something like that to take it spiraling on out in style.

    ...and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. Now there was a colossal ending! One of Ringo's only drum solos. The end of the album that spelled the end of Beatles. Is the following short and sweet "Her Majesty" really in the wrong place? It does seem like it when the album is listened to as a whole. People have always said it should be between "Mean Mr. Mustard" and "Polythene Pam", haven't they? Anyone with the CD ever tried programming it like that? I only have the LP so never tried it.

    Did somebody piss in your corn flakes? Ahem. Anyway, how about the ending to A Day in the Life? A nice finish to perhaps one of the best songs ever. I was at a company party the other night and one guy was singing "My Girl", and not very well I might add. Anyway, he was telling me it was the best song ever, to which I replied "It's a pretty good song, but there are dozens I can think of that are better". I used ADITL as one example and he thougth I was crazy. Well, I am crazy, but that's a different story. Yeah, it's hard to argue about "the best" when it comes to music, so I just told him to enjoy his song and I'll enjoy mine, just don't sing it our loud 'cause it hurts.


    Oh yeah, Merry F*#c@*#g Christmas to you.
    I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people that I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

    If you say the word 'gullible' very slowly it sounds just like oranges.

  3. #3
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  4. #4
    Crackhead Extraordinaire Dusty Chalk's Avatar
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    I Want You (She's So Heavy)


    King Crimson, "Starless", from Red
    Eschew fascism.
    Truth Will Out.
    Quote Originally Posted by stevef22
    you guys are crackheads.
    I remain,
    Peter aka Dusty Chalk

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