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  1. #1
    Dubgazer -Jar-'s Avatar
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    KRS-ONE sides with Al Qaida

    "So when the planes hit the building, we were like, 'Mmmm - justice.' "

    The atrocity of 9-11 "doesn't affect us the hip-hop community," he said. "9-11 happened to them, not us," he added, explaining that by "them" he meant "the rich ... those who are oppressing us. RCA or BMG, Universal, the radio stations..

    talk about biting the hand that feeds you..
    If being afraid is a crime we'll hang side-by-side,
    at the swingin' party down the line..

    The Replacements

  2. #2
    Stone Stone's Avatar
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    Let me be the first to say (on this board at least):

    What a fucking idiot.
    And the world will turn to flowing pink vapor stew.

  3. #3
    Toon Robber tentoze's Avatar
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    Amazes me that this "gentleman" (who I've never even heard of) elected himself The Spokesman of an entire, and significant, segment of the American people. Screw him and his gold chains.
    ----Never Off Topic, Never Rude-----

  4. #4
    eqm is offline
    Forum Regular eqm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tentoze
    Amazes me that this "gentleman" (who I've never even heard of) elected himself The Spokesman of an entire, and significant, segment of the American people. Screw him and his gold chains.
    i suppose "Knowledge" didn't "Reign Supreme" over him...? I hope he gets stomach cancer and dies a slow, horrible death.

  5. #5
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    The atrocity of 9-11 "doesn't affect us the hip-hop community,"

    That's because most of them are killing each other off at a faster rate!

  6. #6
    Crackhead Extraordinaire Dusty Chalk's Avatar
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    below the noise floor

    As in, "...up"

    Quote Originally Posted by Stone
    What a fucking idiot.
    Eschew fascism.
    Truth Will Out.
    Quote Originally Posted by stevef22
    you guys are crackheads.
    I remain,
    Peter aka Dusty Chalk

  7. #7
    Global Village Idiot mad rhetorik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Jar-

    "So when the planes hit the building, we were like, 'Mmmm - justice.' "

    The atrocity of 9-11 "doesn't affect us the hip-hop community," he said. "9-11 happened to them, not us," he added, explaining that by "them" he meant "the rich ... those who are oppressing us. RCA or BMG, Universal, the radio stations..

    talk about biting the hand that feeds you..
    Too bad, this guy actually used to be a relevant and intelligent voice in hip-hop (ref. By All Means Necessary, 1988). After coming out with such a bigoted and hateful remark, I've lost all respect for this asshole.
    "...and then at the end of the letter I like to write <i>'P.S. - this is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.'</i> "

    <b>_R.I.P. Mitch Hedburg 1968-2005_</b>

  8. #8
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    I disagree with him, but I think it's good to have a voice of dissent coming through. It's also true that 9-11 effects different classes of people differently.

    I think he's fooling himself if he thinks he speaks for most African Americans on this issue, but I do think that the desire for 9-11 vengance at any cost runs much deeper with most white folk.

    A lot of people are fine with going after a war in Iraq, justified by the whole 9-11 tragedy, but look at the numbers for supporting that action in the African American community and they tells a vastly different story.

  9. #9
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    Interesting timing for this story...

    Prince Controversy

  10. #10
    Forum Regular MindGoneHaywire's Avatar
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    Terrible. I would've thought he would've known better than to say something so stupid. But then again he once attacked P.M. Dawn physically onstage because he didn't like his music or something, so who knows...

    There's a link on Drudge where he backs off a bit at

    but it's not enough for me. He should know damn well that SO many of the people who died weren't part of this rhetorical 'them' that making a statement like this is about as dumb as it gets. Not to mention the hit the economy took & how that affects most people. Plenty of 'hiphoppas' lost jobs because of 9/11. And the statement about not voting just makes me angry.

    I'm sort of glad now that I never bought a CD copy of my old BDP album, though he'd probably claim that he wouldn't see a dime from it anyway...and on that he might have a point. But this is an inexcusably irresponsible statement coming from someone who I thought knew better than to say something so painfully stupid.

    I don't like others.

  11. #11
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Regardless of skin colour; ancestry; heritage; religion or any other factor, if this guy hates his country so much as to make those kinds of statements, he should find another country to live in. No-one should have to live in a place that they hate so vehemently.

    And telling people not to vote is just ignorant. How does that make anything better? I wonder how he'd feel if he lived in a country where the right to vote was not an option. The choices may not be great, but at least he has choices...and the freedom to make those comments in the first place, let's not forget that.

  12. #12
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Unhappy Well, his comments rank right up there...

    with Falwell and Robertson blaiming 911 on liverals. There's plenty of stupidity on both sides. People of all races, colors, creeds and persuasions died on those planes and in those towers... I as a Black man and a veteran did NOT cheer when the towers were hit, quite the opposite... I wanted to drag my uniform out of the closet and head to Afghanistan. There was no cheering in the South End, and none up in Arbor Hill. I don't know who this fool is speaking for but it wasn't for me...

    Now Iraq is a different matter altogether... but I'm leaving that one alone...

    Da Worfster

  13. #13
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Hey! Over here!
    Quote Originally Posted by Worf101
    with Falwell and Robertson blaiming 911 on liverals. There's plenty of stupidity on both sides.
    Yes, there is plenty of stupidity and bigotry on both sides...

    and liverals.

  14. #14
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Angry Philistine...

    Quote Originally Posted by 3-LockBox
    Yes, there is plenty of stupidity and bigotry on both sides...

    and liverals.
    I was wondering who was gonna catch that... now I know...

    Da Worfster

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