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  1. #1
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Hey! Over here!

    Nickleback plagiarizes self

    The guy who made the Nickleback comparison states that Nickleback is typical of the state of pop music in North America. Where as most people won't care, he states that music is pretty important to him, so he's really put off that bands keep recycling the same tune over and over again. When asked what he considers good music, he gives a surpising (and yet, very intelligent, logical answer).

    This a very good listen. Of course, I'm somewhat biased.

    Its important to listen to this interview all the way through for the surprise ending!

  2. #2
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Yeah, we had this discussion here way back. You could probably find a lot of songs that would superimpose over each other like that though, especially those formulaic, mid-tempo 4/4 songs where the grungy singer start singing in a whisper, then screams the chorus, and repeats...

    This stuff happens all the time. Am I the only one that thinks that Finger Eleven song "Paralyzer" totally ripped off Skid Row's "Youth Gone Wild"???

    Except Skid Row was awesome...

  3. #3
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Here's a link to the entire song -

    No question that the songs are identicle musically; verse, chorus, bridge all occur at the same time, the same drumming pattern, same backing vocal accompanyment. Hell, they didn't even make much of an effort to disguise it did they. Fans of Nickleback should see this as an insult to their intelligence - nah...

  4. #4
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Hey! Over here!
    Quote Originally Posted by kexodusc
    Yeah, we had this discussion here way back. You could probably find a lot of songs that would superimpose over each other like that though, especially those formulaic, mid-tempo 4/4 songs where the grungy singer start singing in a whisper, then screams the chorus, and repeats...

    But did you catch the 'shout out' at the end of the interview?

  5. #5
    Suspended PeruvianSkies's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by kexodusc

    Except Skid Row was awesome...
    Key Word: WAS

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