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Thread: The New CURE?

  1. #1
    Forum Regular
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    The New CURE?

    anyone have it or heard it?

    how does it compare to bloodflowers?

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  2. #2
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    I like it OK. The single's really good and there are some other high points spread throughout. I never heard Bloodflowers so I can't compare it to that one. It does have some of the intensity and shut in feeling of Disintegration, but it doesn't have as much in the way of catchy tunes blended into it. It's got a kind of unsettling disjointed vibe, which I like when in the mood. It's just the songs don't stand out to me like their better work.

  3. #3
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nobody
    I like it OK. The single's really good and there are some other high points spread throughout. I never heard Bloodflowers so I can't compare it to that one. It does have some of the intensity and shut in feeling of Disintegration, but it doesn't have as much in the way of catchy tunes blended into it. It's got a kind of unsettling disjointed vibe, which I like when in the mood. It's just the songs don't stand out to me like their better work.
    Funny, my reaction is almost the exact opposite. I find it filled almost completely with catchy toons along the lines of "Why Can't I be You?", side one for sure(as in if it were an LP). I didn't find it very dark and that shut in feeling you describe is almost impossible for me to come up with. I'd say it's the poppiest of all the Cure albums I've heard, which is probably most but certainly not all. Jimmy likes it but doesn't love it.

    For me the Cure is a lot like the Smashing Pumpkins. A band I really like but in the end almost never end up listening to. Weird how that happens.

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  4. #4
    Crackhead Extraordinaire Dusty Chalk's Avatar
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    I liked Bloodflowers better, but then, I liked Bloodflowers a lot. It was consistently good from beginning to end. The new one was a little bit more hit and miss, but when they went right, it's really worth it. I would say it's still worth getting.
    Last edited by Dusty Chalk; 08-18-2004 at 01:39 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevef22
    you guys are crackheads.
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  5. #5
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Clark
    Funny, my reaction is almost the exact opposite. I find it filled almost completely with catchy toons along the lines of "Why Can't I be You?", side one for sure(as in if it were an LP). I didn't find it very dark and that shut in feeling you describe is almost impossible for me to come up with. I'd say it's the poppiest of all the Cure albums I've heard, which is probably most but certainly not all. Jimmy likes it but doesn't love it.

    For me the Cure is a lot like the Smashing Pumpkins. A band I really like but in the end almost never end up listening to. Weird how that happens.


    Could have been influenced by when I listened to it thew first time.

    I had been loading furniture into a truck and drinking beer all day, and popped it into a boom box in an empty, echoey room, playing a bit too loud so I could barely hear some people who were argueing about some silly this or that that I cared nothing about. Everything was a bit disjointed sounding then, and that probably colors how I hear it even now.

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