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  1. #1
    Forum Regular
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    Multichannel audio?

    Just wondering what the general opinion on multichannel audio is around here?

    I finally have a system capable of playing multichannel SACD and DVD-Audio (and is ready for an upgrade to Blu-ray audio, should that happen), although I am still building the speaker array, so no actual experiments yet.

    However, I'm finding that a lot of the material that was recommended a couple years ago is out of print now, so I'm wondering if it's really worthwhile to track these down (ex. T. Rex-Electric Warrior DVD-A). Do most of these multichannel discs also offer a stereo track?

    I do have a few of the Rolling Stones hybrid SACDs, which are 2-channel only, and the Talking Heads Dualdisc Brick which I guess has some multichannel mixes on it. I plan to track down as many of the Stones SACDs as I can find, but I'm wavering on some of these others.

    Is the general opinion that SACD and DVD-A are dead?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Out there
    Quote Originally Posted by jdeare
    Just wondering what the general opinion on multichannel audio is around here?
    Nobody "around here" knows. The Home Theater section would be a better place to ask this question, but I'll tell you from my own personal experiences that I won't be spending money on a DVD-A player because there just isn't enough out there to warrant the upgrade cost. My PS3 can play SACD's; I have a few titles, but the last time I was at BB (2-3 weeks ago) the selection of DVD-A music I like was slim to none.

    Maybe that'll answer your questions...

  3. #3
    Forum Regular
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    Yeah, I didn't get this player specifically for audio (Oppo 980H), I got it for upscaling DVDs. It just also happens to play SACD and DVD-A.

    I probably won't pursue any other discs anyway. Everything I've read seems to indicate that both SACD and DVD-A are about dead.

  4. #4
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Anywhere but here...
    Unless you are into classical music or jazz, it's hard to find much available in MC. Blu-Ray may bring it back to some extent though. We'll see.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  5. #5
    Man of the People Forums Moderator bobsticks's Avatar
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    down there
    Quote Originally Posted by GMichael
    Unless you are into classical music or jazz, it's hard to find much available in MC. Blu-Ray may bring it back to some extent though. We'll see.
    Ja. If T-Rex is indicative of your stylistic preferences it may not be a huge opportunity from the SACD standpoint. On the other hand, I suspect that we're getting ready to see Blu-Ray really expand multi-channel music options in modern genres.

  6. #6
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobsticks
    I suspect that we're getting ready to see Blu-Ray really expand multi-channel music options in modern genres.
    Yeah, give me some HD Austin City Limits shows with lossless multi-channel and I'll buy a Blu-Ray player (Pioneer Elite) asaFp.

    Super Furry Animals Love Kraft SACD is pretty good. Not my favorite album from them but it's the only non-fossil-rocker 5.1 SACD I own.

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    Originally Posted by Troy: She has that same kind of cleft-pallet, slightly retarded way of singing that so many other people find endearing.

  7. #7
    Forum Regular
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    While I'm not opposed to T. Rex, I only listed that one because it showed up on some website's list of best DVD-As. Now that it's out of print, it goes for like $100 on eBay... outrageous.

    I did manage to score a SACD of Let It Bleed for $12.50 though.

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