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  1. #1
    Forum Regular MindGoneHaywire's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    Mooney Suzuki: best rock'n'roll rec I've heard this year so far

    I just heard the Hives rec, so up until now I'm not sure I've heard many great rock recs this year. Actually, I was having trouble coming up with one, until I remembered the Jet album. Not that I haven't heard any decent recs this year, just not much that I'd consider to be in the r'n'r category. Which just happens to be my primary field of interest.

    I saw these guys last week at the Garage Fest, but they only got two songs & that didn't really work to anybody's benefit; I thought they were good, but I was a trifle numb by the time they came on, so nothing stood out for me in particular. But..this here rec is titled Alive & Amplified & on first listen it was incredibly consistent & better than anything I've heard this year, and probably better than anything I heard last year, with the possible exception of the Joe Strummer rec. It comes out on Tuesday. It's derivative, but in a good way. Get it.

    I don't like others.

  2. #2
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Sounds like something I'm gonna have to check out. By the way, how did ya like the new Hives?

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