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Thread: Lame Comp

  1. #1
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
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    Lame Comp

    Just a quickie playlist I made today of songs that have been in my head recently. You may or may not notice that a few of these songs were lifted from other comps, which proves I do listen to 'em if you make 'em.

    Urrg! MediaFire now limits its uploads to 100MB and I don't have the time to upload five lossless folders so I converted these to mp3 with Lame 3.97 v0 at the highest setting. Still too big for MediaFire so I had to use SendSpace, which is slow but at 143MB it shouldn't take that long. Don't let the mp3 format scare you off - it sounds pretty good even through decent stereo equipment.

    Oh, and I didn't really put this together to burn to CD-R but it will fit if you use overburn and make a gapless disc (81:49).

    And it goes a little something like this . . .

    01. Simple X - Andrew Bird
    02. Everything In Its Right Place - Radiohead
    03. Everybody Daylight - Brightblack Morning Light
    04. Endless Repeat - Voyager One
    05. February - The Appleseed Cast
    06. Bitten By The Tailfly - Elbow
    07. Australia - The Shins
    08. Gyrru Gyrru Gyrru - Gruff Rhys
    09. Fire It Up - Modest Mouse
    10. The Happy Prole - Quasi
    11. (Antichrist Television Blues) - Arcade Fire
    12. Taste - Rob Crow
    13. The Hook - Stephen Malkmus
    14. Angel, Won't You Call Me? - The Decemberists
    15. Colleen - Ted Leo/Pharmacists
    16. Ballad Of Big Nothing - Elliott Smith
    17. Let Up - Now It's Overhead
    18. Weird Sisters - Sparklehorse
    19. Love & Communication - Cat Power
    20. Caught By The River - Doves
    Last edited by Slosh; 04-06-2007 at 11:24 AM.
    Originally Posted by Troy: She has that same kind of cleft-pallet, slightly retarded way of singing that so many other people find endearing.

  2. #2
    Dubgazer -Jar-'s Avatar
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    Looks cool.. thanks... I'll probably just drop one song so I can fit it on a comp.. hehe.

    I doubt I could cross-fade over a minute out of that! though I've done that before...

    I keep meaning to upload one of my comps like that, though I'll probably just end up sending you some cd-r's soon.. I think you need one of my recent beat-you-mercilessly-over-the-head-and-leave-you-dead-in-a-ditch mixes.

    If being afraid is a crime we'll hang side-by-side,
    at the swingin' party down the line..

    The Replacements

  3. #3
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Jar-
    Looks cool.. thanks... I'll probably just drop one song so I can fit it on a comp.. hehe.

    I doubt I could cross-fade over a minute out of that! though I've done that before...

    I keep meaning to upload one of my comps like that, though I'll probably just end up sending you some cd-r's soon.. I think you need one of my recent beat-you-mercilessly-over-the-head-and-leave-you-dead-in-a-ditch mixes.

    Hey, I just burned it to CD-R using Nero 6 - just dragged the m3u file in, set all tracks to no pause between tracks, overburn, and disc-at-once. No problem at all and the disc plays fine in the two CD players I tried it on so far. Of course, my copy came from lossless files but file format shouldn't make any difference.

    Ya know, yer probably right about me needing to be beaten over the head
    Originally Posted by Troy: She has that same kind of cleft-pallet, slightly retarded way of singing that so many other people find endearing.

  4. #4
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    I've been diggin' that Rob Crow solo ceedee, and it...

    Quote Originally Posted by Slosh
    Just a quickie playlist I made today of songs that have been in my head recently. You may or may not notice that a few of these songs were lifted from other comps, which proves I do listen to 'em if you make 'em.

    12. Taste - Rob Crow me a craving for some new Pinback, which I'm sure will be out soon. In the interim, this suits me just fine.


    P.S. I'll be loading your comp shortly. I have lots of those tunes, but a comp with some solid choices is always a pleasure to spin.
    I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people that I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

    If you say the word 'gullible' very slowly it sounds just like oranges.

  5. #5
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swish
    P.S. I'll be loading your comp shortly. I have lots of those tunes, but a comp with some solid choices is always a pleasure to spin.
    Now I wish I did take my time with this. The flow is really good (IMO) but there are a couple of tracks that have a blip of noise from the next track, and the end of the Cat Power track has far too much silence that I would have snipped out had I actually listened to it first before uploading. No more of these comps in mp3 for me either. The hit on sound quality is just too great vs. the savings in file size (and thus, upload time). I mean, yeah, considering the folder is less than 20% the size of the original it's not bad, but still it's not good enough to these ears.
    Originally Posted by Troy: She has that same kind of cleft-pallet, slightly retarded way of singing that so many other people find endearing.

  6. #6
    Rae is offline
    a golden ball of light Rae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slosh
    No more of these comps in mp3 for me either. The hit on sound quality is just too great vs. the savings in file size (and thus, upload time). I mean, yeah, considering the folder is less than 20% the size of the original it's not bad, but still it's not good enough to these ears.
    Oh, see, now you guys are gonna complain at me, because the comp I just offered up has plenty of stuff that I was forced to get online. What do you do when most of yr stuff is on vinyl? I don't know how to do that LP-to-CD thing and I imagine that even if I did it wouldn't sound very good. It all sounds the same to me on my low-end equipment anyway... would you really notice if something came from iTunes?


  7. #7
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rae
    Would you really notice if something came from iTunes?

    Me and my daughter both have mp3 players that can play lossless formats and we both use cheapie $30 JVC in-ear phones and both can hear the difference between lossless and good quality mp3. . . . so high-end stereo gear is not required. However, I care about the sonic differences; she does not.

    But still it's a good comp
    Originally Posted by Troy: She has that same kind of cleft-pallet, slightly retarded way of singing that so many other people find endearing.

  8. #8
    Rae is offline
    a golden ball of light Rae's Avatar
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    Understood. I should remember that I'm on an audiophile board. ;-)

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