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  1. #1
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Interpol is such a great band!

    Ya know, I put off getting their second album Antics for a long, long time thinking they'd never be able to live up to all that hype and buzz caused by their debut's near perfect mix of 80's guitar rock. But a couple weeks or so ago I broke down and ordered it with a few others after hearing the totally irresistable "Evil" on the radio in my car. I was driving around with a big smile and knew I needed to get the latest. And man, I'm really liking Antics a lot. "Evil" still rules and has been stuck in my head for what seems like weeks. But the album is full of standout tracks that really blossom after you give it a couple spins to get in the groove. First rate. Woulda shoulda been high on my top 10 if I'da had it at the time. Way recommended if you've been straddling the fence like me. Classy band, maybe the classiest from that whole New York scene in the last few years, at least for me.

    Now, if they would just hurry up with that new British Sea Power album, I'll be one happy go lucky post punk loving music junkie!

    The long way back
    Saying meanwhile can't we look the other way?
    You're weightless, semi-erotic
    You need someone to take you there
    Saying meanwhile can't we look the other way?

    BTW, feel free to thread crap all over my Interpol love if you think they suck. Confrontation is fun. But give me a reason...or at least an example of their suckiness. Or feel free to confess your own Interpol love - I know some of you feel it
    Last edited by Davey; 02-12-2005 at 10:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    Another pity click for you Davey...

    from an Phila. Eagles fan no less.

    So you really like this sophomore effort? As much as the first? I have to tell you that I find it kinda boring actually. I think I spun it 2 or 3 times and haven't been drawn back to it again. While I found the debut innovative in some ways, Antics, in comparison, seems ordingary and, well, unimaginative? The guitar work in the first one was stellar, with tons of cool riffs and sounds that you don't hear every day. Some of it reminded me of the work by Lloyd and Verlain, although maybe not quite as intricate since they're two of the very best.

    Maybe I didn't give Antics a fair shot, or maybe I like Bright Lights so much that I can't get into the new one. That happens with me a lot I think, but in this case, it may be justified. Hey, if you like it, enjoy.

    Swishy Washy
    I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people that I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

    If you say the word 'gullible' very slowly it sounds just like oranges.

  3. #3
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swish
    So you really like this sophomore effort? As much as the first? Maybe I didn't give Antics a fair shot, or maybe I like Bright Lights so much that I can't get into the new one. That happens with me a lot I think, but in this case, it may be justified. Hey, if you like it, enjoy.

    Swishy Washy
    Hey Swish Baby Wipe! How could you not feel the love for Antics? Are you made of stone, or some other inert man-made rock-like material? Yeah, since getting it I'm really trying to listen to it as a separate album without constantly comparing it only to the first one. I hate it when critics do that in their reviews, only talking about an album in relation to the band's earlier albums. I do like this one a lot and I do like the first one a lot too, but they are different. I see at metacritic that there was a pretty wide swing on this one, many loving everything about it and many others feeling like you. And a big group in the middle too. Guess I'm gonna rise toward the top on ths one. I'll say it again at the risk of being annoying, Classy band, with a capital "C"

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    Hey Swish Baby Wipe! How could you not feel the love for Antics? Are you made of stone, or some other inert man-made rock-like material? Yeah, since getting it I'm really trying to listen to it as a separate album without constantly comparing it only to the first one. I hate it when critics do that in their reviews, only talking about an album in relation to the band's earlier albums. I do like this one a lot and I do like the first one a lot too, but they are different. I see at metacritic that there was a pretty wide swing on this one, many loving everything about it and many others feeling like you. And a big group in the middle too. Guess I'm gonna rise toward the top on ths one. I'll say it again at the risk of being annoying, Classy band, with a capital "C"
    Swish Baby has been hitting the crack pipe a little hard. That's okay, it happens to all of us sometimes. I find Antics actually to be better and more consistent than the first album (although lacking the monumental tracks that the first album had like NYC and PDA). In any case, without comparing to the first album, I think Antics is excellent and confirms Interpol as one of the most distinctive, intense and high quality rock bands around. I think Interpol, like the Strokes, has been unfairly compared to bands of the past when they really have a singular and immediately recognizeable sound that is nothing but their own and will be remembered quite nicely a few years down the road. "Evil" is the second track on my unfinished (and abandoned in mid-December) Best of 2004 compilation.

  5. #5
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
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    Interpol sucks pole. My friend was asking if I ever heard of them and I broke out my copy of Turn On The Bright Lights, listened to about half of it, and then gave it to him. I don't even want it in my house. I fucking hate that band down to my core.

    Then I played Emergency & I and felt much, much better.

    NP: Arcade Fire - Funeral (no hype, all good)

  6. #6
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DariusNYC
    I find Antics actually to be better and more consistent than the first album (although lacking the monumental tracks that the first album had like NYC and PDA). In any case, without comparing to the first album, I think Antics is excellent and confirms Interpol as one of the most distinctive, intense and high quality rock bands around.
    Yeah, can't really argue with anything you say since I kind of feel the same way, but I do feel a little of what Swish says too. Antics doesn't have some of that dark aura that made the first one so special to so many (and what also made it the biggest selling Matador release ever). It was the sound of a new band on the brink of greatness, and you could sense that in their confidence. Quite extraordinary, actually. And fun to witness first hand.

    But here I am, at home on a nice Saturday afternoon, cleaning and stuff, so I follow up Antics with the Pixies dynamite Surfer Rosa and I'm thinking that I would've liked it if Antics was a little more reckless and not quite so polished. Like the Pixies at their prime. Like a bone machine. There's a fuse burning all through Surfer Rosa and you know it's gonna explode. What a great album! Like the definition of rock. Dynamic and loud and out of control.

    But I still like Antics a whole bunch, and I agree that Swish Baby should lay off the Krylon huffing and crack pipe puffing

  7. #7
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slosh
    Interpol sucks pole.
    Funny that some dickless losers actually take pride in being closed-minded and tasteless. Oh well, you've always got those neutered Unicorns to fall back on

    Hey buddy! Got your newest and coolest and sloshiest compilation and it's a fun one! Guess that's the one you advertised over at the obner, right? Nice colection. Think I'll pull a few cuts for my upcoming but never realized Rave Recs metacomp. What album is that Violent Femmes "Color Me Once" track from? Very cool! I only have the one big first one but that's a very choice cut. Sounds kind of like Interpol

  8. #8
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    Funny that some dickless losers actually take pride in being closed-minded and tasteless. Oh well, you've always got those neutered Unicorns to fall back on
    Do you think I might have Obnerian cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vulgarian
    Hey buddy! Got your newest and coolest and sloshiest compilation and it's a fun one! Guess that's the one you advertised over at the obner, right? Nice collection. Think I'll pull a few cuts for my upcoming but never realized Rave Recs metacomp. What album is that Violent Femmes "Color Me Once" track from? Very cool! I only have the one big first one but that's a very choice cut. Sounds kind of like Interpol
    I found my daughter listening to my The Crow soundtrack CD and a very low watt bulb went off in my unusually thick cranium and I thought, "Hey, wait a moment. That Violent Femmes cut is pretty damn good. Might as well throw it on a comp." And there you have it.

    NP: Jesse Sykes - (whatever it's titled - it's too good to stop it and find out )
    Originally Posted by Troy: She has that same kind of cleft-pallet, slightly retarded way of singing that so many other people find endearing.

  9. #9
    Forum Regular Ex Lion Tamer's Avatar
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    OK Here it is....

    Anitcs is as good or better than I Can See The Bright Lights...It's the last third of the album that makes it sooo good.

    Evil is the best Interpol song yet.

    Slosh is quite obviously insane, but I cut him slack because his comps be so fine. (Thanks for the latest, haven't actually listened yet be cause I lost it within 10 minutes of getting it, but I found it about an hour ago, so I'll be giving it that much anticipated first spin tomorrow.)

    Here here Davey boy, re that new BSP album.
    "I don't know. A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof, and when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." The Right Honourable JC.

  10. #10
    Forum Regular
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    But a couple weeks or so ago I broke down and ordered it with a few others after hearing the totally irresistable "Evil" on the radio in my car.

    BTW, feel free to thread crap all over my Interpol love if you think they suck. Confrontation is fun. But give me a reason...or at least an example of their suckiness. Or feel free to confess your own Interpol love - I know some of you feel it
    Now Davey don't you listen to my comps? I put you onto that great track back in August 2004 and you stuck out this long before buying it, that's impressive.

    Comp Up For Grabs - come on don't be shy now

    On another note a couple of current faves of mine at the moment are Athlete - The Tourist, a Britpop type thing and Hem - Eveningland, a wonderful blend of orchestra and haunting vocals from Sally Ellyson.

    And can't wait to get my sticky hands on the new Doves due next week...


  11. #11
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike
    Now Davey don't you listen to my comps? I put you onto that great track back in August 2004 and you stuck out this long before buying it, that's impressive.
    Hehehe, well that is a great comp, and I did listen to it a few times, but I only got it in the middle of October so maybe my staying power isn't quite that impressive, eh? [And don't we all just love those silly double entendres? As much as smilies? Yes? No? ]. It's funny, but hearing a great song on the radio while driving around, juxtaposed against a backdrop of the normal, unremarkable and unmemorable drivel they play, really makes it stand out. I have a real old Sony CD player in my car and it doesn't do CD-R very well so I don't play them except at home. Really need to get a new one. Anyway, I had heard it before on your comp but it didn't really make me jump into action until hearing it on the radio

  12. #12
    Stainmaster Finch Platte's Avatar
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    I could have sworn I put out an appeal for someone to make me an Interpol comp, and it looks like it got erased!? Or am I smoking crack?

    Anyhoo, one would be most welcome.


  13. #13
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    I still like Bright Lights better. Yeah, the newer one is solid from start to finish, but there are just 2-3 trtacks on Bright Lights that blow me away more than anything on the new one.

    Oh...and as long as we're talking retro 80s bands...has anyone else heard The Bravery yet? They've got a couple songs out and I saw 'em on MTV2 last night and immediately downloaded whatever I could find before the full length comes out in a month or two. If you like Franz Ferdinand and all those 80s retro bands, which I do, this one should be really big for 2005.

  14. #14
    Stone Stone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finch Platte
    I could have sworn I put out an appeal for someone to make me an Interpol comp, and it looks like it got erased!? Or am I smoking crack?

    Anyhoo, one would be most welcome.

    Wrong site.
    And the world will turn to flowing pink vapor stew.

  15. #15
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stone
    Wrong site.
    Yeah, who's the dork that started the same Interpol appreciation thread at both sites?!?! Geez Louise! Pick a site already!

    I think the consensus at obner was that they only have TWO friggin albums Finchy so a comp would be kinda silly since you can fit their entire discography on one disc. Well, maybe not, but close

  16. #16
    Stainmaster Finch Platte's Avatar
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    Oh, ok.

    [QUOTE=Davey]...they only have TWO friggin albums Finchy so a comp would be kinda silly...[QUOTE]

    I didn't want to hear 'em anyway.


  17. #17
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finch Platte
    I didn't want to hear 'em anyway.
    Well, I think what they meant was that you should just ask for a copy of one of the albums or download some tunes. And maybe not quite so publicly. Asking for a comp just seemed odd for a band with only two albums. But maybe not? I only have the second one on CD but I could make you a copy of that if you want. Or ask for a comp that has some Interpol on it like that great comp of Mike's we were just talking about. Or Jimbo has a ton of live stuff he's been messing with.

    But if you don't wanna hear them anyway, nevermind

  18. #18
    Global Village Idiot mad rhetorik's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    They're a boring Joy Division retread. If I wanted to hear that sound done right, I'd pull out my well-worn copies of Closer, Unknown Pleasures, and Substance.

    I don't think they're terrible, just... meh.
    "...and then at the end of the letter I like to write <i>'P.S. - this is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.'</i> "

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