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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    St. Louis, MO, USA

    Goodwill hunting

    I was debating whether to post this or not but the forum needs some new threads.

    I accompanied my brother to a Goodwill store so he could look for a bar stool and ran across some vinyl. Most of it was stuff people would throw away, Jim Nabors, old Christmas albums, Polka with Granny Hines and the Jug Band etc. I made that last one up As many times though it's worth digging through the crap to see if you find that gem. I don't know if you'd call it a gem, I found a SEALED brand new album. It was some waltz's by Strauss. Hey, at least it was something listenable and I even recognized one of the tunes. And, best of all, it was a virgin. They only charge .25 for the albums, plus my brother, the big spender, just rang it up with his stool and it ended up being free to me.

    So the lesson here for vinyl lovers is get into those thrift stores and do some Goodwill hunting. It's like panning for gold, some days you waste your time and others you hit the mother load. I found a sealed copy of a Candy Staten album on one trip to a Salvation Army store. I don't know if you all are familiar with her but that was definitely a gem for me.

    Let us know if you've ever found anything good amongst the sludge.

  2. #2
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Nice thread titles Mr. Body...I thought that I was on the Fave Films board for a minute there.

    I'm more of a Goodwill giver. I rarely even go to used CD shops. Although, I probably should.

  3. #3
    Do What? jrhymeammo's Avatar
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
    I was debating whether to post this or not but the forum needs some new threads.

    I accompanied my brother to a Goodwill store so he could look for a bar stool and ran across some vinyl. Most of it was stuff people would throw away, Jim Nabors, old Christmas albums, Polka with Granny Hines and the Jug Band etc. I made that last one up As many times though it's worth digging through the crap to see if you find that gem. I don't know if you'd call it a gem, I found a SEALED brand new album. It was some waltz's by Strauss. Hey, at least it was something listenable and I even recognized one of the tunes. And, best of all, it was a virgin. They only charge .25 for the albums, plus my brother, the big spender, just rang it up with his stool and it ended up being free to me.

    So the lesson here for vinyl lovers is get into those thrift stores and do some Goodwill hunting. It's like panning for gold, some days you waste your time and others you hit the mother load. I found a sealed copy of a Candy Staten album on one trip to a Salvation Army store. I don't know if you all are familiar with her but that was definitely a gem for me.

    Let us know if you've ever found anything good amongst the sludge.

    Yup, I found a gem one day. I got this EP called Amber Probe by Jedi Mind Tricks in M to NM condition at a thrift store. Unlike other vinyl they sold, they were asking $3 for it. I knew the value of this EP and was something I was chasing for over a year. Just didnt wanna pay $50~100 for it, and I sure as hell didnt expect to find it at a thrifty. I came really close to telling them that I was only considering to pay $.50 for the album. But only thing that was on my mind was taking that grand baby home.

  4. #4
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    I've found tons of interesting stuff at thrift shops. Still, I come away empty handed more than not. But, when you do find something great, its fantastic. Best find was probably Elvis's first RCA release, original first issue in VG condition sitting in a pile of stuff for $2 a pop.

    A friend was over the other night, and I realized just how much stuff I've gotten that way when I rtealized half of what I pulled out, especially when you're talking about old rock and soul stuff, had been grabbed at either a thrift store or a record show for $2 or less. Even nabbed a copy of Muddy Waters's first Chess album on Chess, Moanin' at the Moonlight for $2 at a record show.

    99% of the time, Thrift stores have crap, but considering I like to hunt through them for funky ash trays and other crap anyway, I always check the records whhile I'm there and uncover the occasional surprise.

  5. #5
    Do What? jrhymeammo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by nobody

    99% of the time, Thrift stores have crap, but considering I like to hunt through them for funky ash trays and other crap anyway, I always check the records whhile I'm there and uncover the occasional surprise.
    You gotta love diggin. I've also found Wes Monty's "Movin' Wes" in VG+ condition(I am very picky about vinyl condition). Not really sure what it's worth but SQ is much better than remastered CD I also have of that title. Old receivers? Hell yeah!! I should go get a tapedeck for under 10 clams. Problem is that there are only about 50+ thrift stores in the metro area. Not enough stores if you ask me. Be sure to bring your own RCA cables and softwares for equipment test.

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