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  1. #1
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on some faraway beach...

    Friday Song of the Day: Tindersticks "Can We Start Again"

    Man-o-man, what a great tune. Got a lot of that good ol r&b flavor, with Stuart's deep voice and the ladies on the backing. Real soulful. Nice melody. Kind of a classic sound, although there's really no big payoff anywhere to solidify it as a classic. Just floats by, but always makes me feel good. Put it on one of those stealthy comps I did last year. Just pulled it out this morning for a spin with my coffee and bowl of Cap'n Crunch. Pulled up the video on YouTube and it's pretty nicely done, trawling back through the memories of the women that got away. Play if you like.

    Anyway, what you got spinning through your mind this Friday?

  2. #2
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    Anyway, what you got spinning through your mind this Friday?
    I'm about to go food shopping (man, I hate domestic chores) and need some tunes to keep me relatively sane so am gonna build a quickie playlist for my DAP in a minute. Gonna use some:
    Loose Fur - An Ecumenical Matter
    Wilco - At Least That's What You Said
    Calexico - Service & Repair
    Calexico/Iron & Wine - A History Of Lovers
    Grandaddy - Collective Dreamwish Of Upperclass Elegance
    Grandaddy - Summer . . . It's Gone
    NMH - A Baby For Pree
    BHP - Not Just Words
    BTS - Conventional Wisdom
    Spoon - The Beast And Dragon, Adored
    Modest Mouse - Heart Cooks Brain
    Pinback - Penelope
    R.E.M. - Find The River
    Rogue Wave - California
    Sparklehorse - Hey Joe
    Tapes 'n Tapes - Manitoba

    And put it on shuffle and hope I'm done long before I get through all of those songs.
    Originally Posted by Troy: She has that same kind of cleft-pallet, slightly retarded way of singing that so many other people find endearing.

  3. #3
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hey! Over here!
    Grizzly Bear - Knife
    Pure Reason Revolution - The Bright Ambassadors of Morning

    and going food shopping is a great excuse to listen to tunes for an hour or so

    I volunteer this chore all the time.

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