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  1. #1
    Forum Regular newtrix1's Avatar
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    former Ravereccers whose contributions are missed

    I'm sitting here listening to a cdr copy of the DCC remaster of LA Woman. It made me think about where I'd gotten it from. ToddH I believe. A few years ago (has it been that long?), Todd and I exchanged lists of some out-of-print collectible type stuff and subsequently exchanged copies of titles we either couldn't find or didn't want to pay extravagant E-Bay prices for. PPG and Dave G and I did the same thing. Today Finchie offers up a DVD. Man, where else can ya get deals like this?!

    I'm sure many of us "old-timers" remember TJ too. Well, hope all is well with those guys and they're still rockin'!

    I'm kinda glad that pesky RPM character is gone though, aren't you?

  2. #2
    Dubgazer -Jar-'s Avatar
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    yea.. TodH and I traded quite a few comps.. don't know what happened to him..

    Rae has been MIA for quite some time now..

    there was this guy.. Daigoro.. back when there were too many "D" names and people kept getting them mixed up..

    Farmer Ted? ScottL? ckelley?

    then there was that Ms. Nomer.. what ever happened to that putz?

    If being afraid is a crime we'll hang side-by-side,
    at the swingin' party down the line..

    The Replacements

  3. #3
    Forum Regular newtrix1's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Ms. Nomer probably got Sloshed

    Quote Originally Posted by -Jar-
    then there was that Ms. Nomer.. what ever happened to that putz?

    and can't find his way back

  4. #4
    Stainmaster Finch Platte's Avatar
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    Truth be known...?

    Quote Originally Posted by newtrix1
    I'm kinda glad that pesky RPM character is gone though, aren't you?
    I'm glad he's gone, too. He kinda stole my thunder with his witty posts. Now I have them all to myself, except when Troy gets drunk and writes about his escapades at Opeth shows. I can't wait to see what he drinks- err, thinks about the Dream Theatre show he's going to soon.

    Good riddance, I say!

    elf pee

  5. #5
    Forum Regular newtrix1's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Finch Platte
    I'm glad he's gone, too. He kinda stole my thunder with his witty posts. Now I have them all to myself, except when Troy gets drunk and writes about his escapades at Opeth shows. I can't wait to see what he drinks- err, thinks about the Dream Theatre show he's going to soon.

    Good riddance, I say!

    elf pee
    Man, you had me rollin' with your 3-Dog Night diatribe:

    And I don't care if you do. Err, don't. I have a DVD of Three Nog Dight I bought directly after I saw them on PeeBeeEss, and it's very surprisingly good. They've got a crack band (what does that mean??), there's hit after hit after hit, the sound is good, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves (even after playing the songs for the 1,624,983th time), it's in color, virgins are sacrificed, commentary by Cory Dog Night and Danny Dog Night get you in bed with the guys and so on and so 4th. I don't know what it all means, but it's worth picking up, for a measly $20. It's only slightly Vegas, which was a great relief to me, I tells ya. Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

    Oh, yeah. Did I mention they are backed up by the Tennessee Symphony Orchestra, which, believe it or not, does nothing to ruin the songs! The only thing negative I can say about this DVD is there are a couple of camera tricks done by some pimple-laden teen who just bought a computer and is discovering his free Dell Jefferson Airplane Special Effects bonus disc. Oh, and the guitar player needs liposuction on his hair.

    Songlist, you beg? Lookit these hits! Intrue, but credible!

  6. #6
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finch Platte
    I'm glad he's gone, too. He kinda stole my thunder with his witty posts. Now I have them all to myself, except when Troy gets drunk and writes about his escapades at Opeth shows. I can't wait to see what he drinks- err, thinks about the Dream Theatre show he's going to soon.

    Good riddance, I say!

    elf pee
    Uh oh. Your Canadian is showing again. Dream Theater. THEATER. THEATER.

  7. #7
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    Rae, cc and RPM come to mind right away...

    and I know there are a bunch more I can rattle off in a minute or so. How about Snowflake? She pokes her head in every so often and stays with us for a week or so then vanishes again, but it's getting to be fewer and farther between to my recollection. How about Alung, AKA Ray from Fort Worth? Is Hyfi still around? That would be Brian from Southampton, PA. And where oh where has Demetrio been? I guess he's posted on the new forum, but I rarely see his name. How about CZ from La Jolla? Umrswimr from Ft. Worth? Maybe he's hanging out with Alung. Anyway, if any of you have posted recently, I'm offering my apology in advance, but I don't recall seeing anything from any of these folks.

    I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people that I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

    If you say the word 'gullible' very slowly it sounds just like oranges.

  8. #8
    Close 'n PlayŽ user Troy's Avatar
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    Say Feeench, when am I going to see DT soon, and are you going too?

    RPM, what a loser.

    Demetrio is around, he just sent out about 6 hours of music to a bunch of the progger types.

    Message boards are like this. They have turn-over. People get tired of talking about the same old things or they get busy with other stuff or they lose interest in the subject at hand. It's the nature of BBs.

  9. #9
    Stainmaster Finch Platte's Avatar
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    As Homer might say...

    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    Say Feeench, when am I going to see DT soon, and are you going too?

    RPM, what a loser.

    Demetrio is around, he just sent out about 6 hours of music to a bunch of the progger types.

    Message boards are like this. They have turn-over. People get tired of talking about the same old things or they get busy with other stuff or they lose interest in the subject at hand. It's the nature of BBs.
    ..."mmmmm, turnovers."

    I dunno- you said you were gonna see 'em. If they're playing somewhere close, I guess I'd go.

    On second thought, nah. I've got the DVD and the singer sucks. Forget it. Or, as they say in Canada, forgte ti.

    elf pee

  10. #10
    Forum Regular MindGoneHaywire's Avatar
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    I'm biased, but I miss Brad H's posts a lot. Also CC & Rae, and it'd be nice to see Darius around here more often...and I also find it refreshing when there's a guy who's even more of a contrarian than I am, like whinystan or even Kevin B. And how many remember a chap who called himself SPL? Well, I guess there's always Skeptic if one's ever bored enough to want to argue with a classical snob.

    I don't like others.

  11. #11
    dld is offline
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    BradH, Snowbunny, Yech (has his ownself to blame and knows it), Master Cylinder, RPM, PWRPOPGUY.

    NP-Sopranos, time DOES stand still when this comes on
    Do I have to spell it out?




    Oh No

  12. #12
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    I miss any post by anybody as long as it's something we like to discuss here.

    Other than that, I know that tj is fine and well and learning guitar, Yech is still the same, BradH and the others, ya, they are missed.

    And The Flying Dutchman, and Javier (altho he posts ever so often), Wladimir come to mind.

    Glad to see some new names here too, wish more folks would post.


  13. #13
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    I'm not lost. I get a chance to scan a few posts a week in between school work. Sounds funny from a 42 y/o but my course is way intense. I also have to study and cram separately for Certs that are not part of my course. I also go to physical therapy 3 times a week rehabing from my shoulder surgery since X-mas. I hardly have time to listen to music anymore.

    I'll be back. Thanks for the thought!


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