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  1. #1
    Forum Regular
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    Nov 2003

    Talking EMI Great Rec. of the Century Sampler

    Hi all music fans. After browsing the loacal Borders yesterday I came upon the service desk which was stacked with what looked like your typical EMI Great Recordings of the Century CD's. They were actually hard covered booklets the size of 2 thin cd cases. They contained a FREE cd compilation of various performances and good ones at that! The package is also a catalog of all the recordings that are part of their series as well as numerous comments on the performances. Also they list the new releases for '04. There's a sample of a Shostakovich Piano Concerto that is played by the composer himself on the CD. Beautifully played and recorded. I can't wait! If you're a classical music fan, or not, pick up a copy of this nice package. EMI's advertisement department came up with a good one this time.

  2. #2
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    I've got a couple of the Great Recordings of the Century CDs and they are really good to my inexperienced with classical ears. Sounds like something to look for.

    Is it a free CD in a book that you have to buy? Or is it a free booklet and CD combo?

  3. #3
    Forum Regular
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    Nov 2003


    It's a hard covered cd case looking thing that is FREE. It is a catalogue with a cd inside. I've already ordered 2 recordings from these samples. Excellent!

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