Originally Posted by PeruvianSkies
It's easy to sit back in the critics chair and judge things all we want, but until we actually get involved in the game whether it be the music or movie industry, we really don't have anything but our opinions.
Isn't that why we're all here?
Originally Posted by 3-LockBox
But if you need to compartmentalize things, then here ya go
I don't need to compartmentalize anything. I simply have no interest in Elvis's movie career or his Vegas era or what Graceland looks like or who he screwed or what drugs he took or whether Parker had a legal passport. To me, none of that matters. This is a music board, that's what interests me about Elvis. I think his suckage or non-suckage should be based on that. If "Does Elvis Suck?" had appeared on a movie discussion board it would've been in a completely different context.
Originally Posted by 3-LockBox
No one is running around trying to immitate Lewis. Why? Because as flawed as he was, he didn't have this clownish, garrish, bigger than life persona that lent itself to mockery.
Are you kidding me? Look at that hair and those wild antics. Perfect imitation fodder. But how much money can you make imitating a guy who married his underage cousin? In the end, Elvis was simply more popular.
Btw, the punk rockers made a point of hating everything that came before them and that includes Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis, Beatles, you name it, although they had their guilty pleasures when they went home. (I remember seeing Andy Gill of the Gang Of Four whip out a little Black Sabbath before their encore.)
I don't see how Lewis's influence is more lasting than Elvis's. If anything, that accolade could possibly go to Chuck Berry, imo. That's probably a thread in itself.
Maybe we can kill this thread with a hairy-headed prog analogy. You say Genesis sucks. Yeah, right now they suck. But let's say Banks or Rutherford dies and ten years later someone asks, "Does Genesis suck?" As a Genesis fan, what would your answer be? Do albums like Foxtrot matter at all or does 20+ years of acting like the Phil Collins Experience overshadow everything? Using Troy's criteria, Genesis sucks. Period.
It has been said Elvis was a black belt. It's a shame they didn't think to have Elvis do a karate movie. That would have rounded out his movie catalog :)
What is the name of that movie where he works in a nightclub and his boss sends him down to keep an eye on his daughter at spring break? It has been a while but I remember that being a funny movie.
For the period those movies came out and compared to a countless amount of garbage that's on film, Elvis's movies aren't that bad, are they?
Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
It has been said Elvis was a black belt. It's a shame they didn't think to have Elvis do a karate movie. That would have rounded out his movie catalog :)
What is the name of that movie where he works in a nightclub and his boss sends him down to keep an eye on his daughter at spring break? It has been a while but I remember that being a funny movie.
For the period those movies came out and compared to a countless amount of garbage that's on film, Elvis's movies aren't that bad, are they?
During that time those movies would have been standard fare. It's not like they weren't putting out other crap at the same time, but then again they were also putting out amazing films as well...like 1962 alone saw LAWRENCE OF ARABIA and TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.
P Sky, I think you crossed the line when you said we have to try something in order to speak out about it, or know it sucks. To know if something sucks is an instinct, an instinct that allows us as humans to discern the sucking, from the non-sucking things of this world. If one has to perform to enjoy a performance, who would do the rest of the work around here? I would prefer not to play pro sports, geez, I can't even ice skate, if one had to play to enjoy watching, well, where would that leave ESPN. Of course, on the other hand, your rule might be adopted readily with those who watch porn. I'm sure a little participation would give one amazing insightful power to discern the sucking from the non-sucking things of this world.
Maybe Brad will share how he came to be so knowledgeable in the things that suck.
So if you now see the error of your statement, we will be watching for your retraction.
When you told your mom, brussel sprouts suck, did you become one first?
Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
P Sky, I think you crossed the line when you said we have to try something in order to speak out about it, or know it sucks. To know if something sucks is an instinct, an instinct that allows us as humans to discern the sucking, from the non-sucking things of this world. If one has to perform to enjoy a performance, who would do the rest of the work around here? I would prefer not to play pro sports, geez, I can't even ice skate, if one had to play to enjoy watching, well, where would that leave ESPN. Of course, on the other hand, your rule might be adopted readily with those who watch porn. I'm sure a little participation would give one amazing insightful power to discern the sucking from the non-sucking things of this world.
Maybe Brad will share how he came to be so knowledgeable in the things that suck.
So if you now see the error of your statement, we will be watching for your retraction.
When you told your mom, brussel sprouts suck, did you become one first?
Did I say that you had to PLAY a sport to enjoy watching it? Nope. I just said that you are a more credible critic if you actually HAVE played a sport in order to comment on it.
So in summation, this thread has boiled down to the equivalent of a good night on the town; basically the same three questions. To wit:
~What exactly constitutes proper sucking?
~Does the duration of the sucking effect one's view of the overall experience?
~Who is the most formidable sucker and do past accomplishments in actual sucking necessarily give one the edge over a neophite sucker?
And, yeah I'm done with Elvis and have moved on to baiting GMichael...
I like how when talking about whether or not Elvis had talent or not things like ...
professional wrestling come into play. How does that happen?
Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
Maybe Brad will share how he came to be so knowledgeable in the things that suck.
Hey, you suck!
The first time I got high I watched Spinout. I thought, hey, this stupid movie is kind of cool!
Dope obviously enhanced the suckiness.
Two good thing about Elvis movies -
Shelly Fabres in hot pants
Ann Margret in tight capri pants
and I guess Elvis himself kept the shoe pollish industry aloft (assuming that's what he colored his hair with
Originally Posted by PeruvianSkies
I like how when talking about whether or not Elvis had talent or not things like ...
professional wrestling come into play. How does that happen?
Cause they're both cheezy???:prrr:
Just joking, although I don't personally like Elvis I do appreciate his singing talent. I'm a big Carl Perkins fan tho.