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  1. #1
    Forum Regular
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    A sometimes wet and damp York, England

    Calling knowledgeable Porcy Tree fans

    I suppose I was a bit late on the PT bandwagon, In Absentia was my first venture followed by Deadwing and Lightbulb Sun (good) and the latest (not so good for me) But recently I picked up the remaster of Signify and I'm blown away, it's a 2 disc set and sonically it's a gem.

    So I'm wondering what other albums there are from the earlier catalogue worth investigating?


  2. #2
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Department of Heuristics and Research on Material Applications
    Hi Mike,
    Immediately I would suggest "Stupid Dream", which has several catchy tunes which should please you if you enjoyed In Absentia, Deadwing, and Signify.
    The version I got released last year or earlier this year (I don't remember) had a DVD-A included with the complete album in surround's excellent, which I've come to expect from Mr. Wilson.
    "Up the Downstair" and "Sky Moves Sideways" are a bit more "artsy" for a lack of a better word than the stuff later on I think, kinda more like "Fear of a Blank Planet", longer songs, maybe more focus on the instrument sections and a bit less pop-oriented, than "In Absentia" or "Deadwing", but I really enjoy them.
    "On the Sunday of Life" has a few good tunes, but I think was more experimental, and a learning experience early on for PT. Probably my least favorite, but worth getting if you're a fan. I haven't been able to acquire the others yet, waiting for the re-releases.

  3. #3
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    What Kex said. I would recommend Stupid Dream next.

  4. #4
    Forum Regular N. Abstentia's Avatar
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    3rd vote for Stupid Dream, especially the DVD-A

  5. #5
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Hey! Over here!
    Its agreed...Stupid Dream next

    and I think you've just about run the gammit

    The Sky Moves Sideways might be another one, and it is a good one; it has a sort of electronica/ambient vibe to it, though I think I remember reading that some of the guitar parts were redone. Same with Up The Downstairs, which is in someways, better than Sky Moves Sideways.

    UTD, SMS, and Signify were the band's trippy Floyd period that got them so much prog cred in the first place. They've all been remastered and reissued and they're all sonic marvels.

  6. #6
    Forum Regular Demetrio's Avatar
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    I recommend, in this order:

    - Stupid Dream (DVD-A)
    - The Sky Moves Sideways (2-CD, Remaster)
    - Up the Downstair (Re-Release, 2-CD set)
    - Voyage 34: The Complete Trip


  7. #7
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    Hey! Over here!
    Hey big 'D' what's happening?

  8. #8
    Forum Regular Demetrio's Avatar
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    C.Grande, PB - Brazil
    Hi, 3LB!!!

    I lost some interest in music for a time (mostly because of some other priorities in my life, especially the buy of my house), but it's all right now and I am back to enjoying the best thing of this world after woman: music. ;-)

    Thanks for the "new" welcome!!!


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