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  1. #1
    Silence of the spam Site Moderator Geoffcin's Avatar
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    May 2003

    Elvis Costello on Austin City limits


    Just caught Elvis Costello on Austin City limits in HD. Elvis was in great form, and his band the Imposters were really tight. The crowd was standing for most of the show, and by the last song, "Pump It Up" they were so worked up it looked like they were ready to storm the stage, so Elvis invited them to come up on stage for the end of the song. What a fantastic performance!
    Ming Da MC34-AB 75wpc
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  2. #2
    Can a crooner get a gig? dean_martin's Avatar
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    Jun 2002
    Lower AL
    Quote Originally Posted by Geoffcin

    Just caught Elvis Costello on Austin City limits in HD. Elvis was in great form, and his band the Imposters were really tight. The crowd was standing for most of the show, and by the last song, "Pump It Up" they were so worked up it looked like they were ready to storm the stage, so Elvis invited them to come up on stage for the end of the song. What a fantastic performance!
    Don't know whether it's still on the ACL website, but I've watched "Pump It Up" several times - very energetic. Can't wait to catch the whole show. If you're ever in Austin, visit the studio. My wife and I went last summer. It's free and it's fun. Our tour guide took our picture on stage!

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