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  1. #1
    Stainmaster Finch Platte's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    Anyone have enough James Gang to make a comp?

    Man, I'd like to hear that. I'd also like to hear a Joe Walsh comp without the usual hits (you know what they are).


  2. #2
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
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    Jan 2002

    kind of

    Quote Originally Posted by Finch Platte
    Man, I'd like to hear that. I'd also like to hear a Joe Walsh comp without the usual hits (you know what they are).

    I have a Joe Walsh/Jamesgang comp that I made in 1985 when I was 17. It's on a 90 minute cassette and I have a fair amount of it on CD but not everything, but dubbing the missing songs from tape to CD wouldn't be a problem. Obviously I'd have to lose 10 minutes and there are some well know hits here that could be axed. Anyway, the tracklist:

    1. Funk # 48
    2. Welcome To The Club
    3. Life's Been Good
    4. The Confessor
    5. Closet Queen (great fuckin' song!!)
    6. Rocky Mountain Way (this could be one to omit)
    7. Funk # 49
    8. Good Man Down
    9. Turn To Stone
    10. County Fair
    11. Slow Dancing (this will be one to omit, although it's not that bad)
    12. Walk Away
    13. Time Out
    14. Woman (another truly great song)
    15. Fifteen Years
    16. Meadows
    17. Help Me Through The Night
    18. Bones
    19. Mother Says

    NP: Mastodon - Leviathan

  3. #3
    Crackhead Extraordinaire Dusty Chalk's Avatar
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    below the noise floor
    What do you need besides "Funk #49" and "Walk Away"?

    Eschew fascism.
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevef22
    you guys are crackheads.
    I remain,
    Peter aka Dusty Chalk

  4. #4
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    Well, I may be able to get my hands on pretty much...

    Quote Originally Posted by Finch Platte
    Man, I'd like to hear that. I'd also like to hear a Joe Walsh comp without the usual hits (you know what they are).

    everything they've done, although it ain't all that much as I recall. My good bud Bob got the entire catalog on ceedee if memory serves me correctly. I think he bought them from an e-company that transfers vinyl to cd with loving care. The name on the outfit escapes me although I bought him something from them several years ago and he went bonkers over it. It was a double cd from Jo Jo Gunn, one of his favorites from back in the day. His vinyl was missing or too far gone to enjoy and he couldn't find them anywhere. I did a search and found the company that does this stuff and, according to Bob, the sound is pretty good.

    Give me a couple days to see what he has and I'll let you know. If he has everything they recorded, maybe I could just, you know, rip it for you?

    Swish Baby
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  5. #5
    Forum Regular
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    Joe's stock seems to be rising a bit lately. He's popping up here and there and getting ink about it. I've always loved the guy, but feel his goofy persona has dragged down his overall credibility and recognition to Rock.

    I have the GH package "Look What I Did", and its pretty good. But like many other artists I grew up with, I can't do GH packages or comps more than once or twice. I need to hear that next song segue from the album, and on and on.

    The first three Gang albums are worthy of owning, remastered, and probably pretty cheap around town or the web. They aren't all Funk #49 tunes. Joe was already pushing the music into some pretty laid back, thoughtful (and stoner) places.

    Joe best solo albums are his first five out of six (I have most on vinyl, not CD). He was way ahead of the crowd and setting the pace for the Country Rock era. The Eagles weren't kidding when thay acted all giddy when he joined their band. His influence was a good one for their sound, IMO. Later in his career he fell into his self-created "class clown" trap, and his catalog is peppered with only a few worthwhile tunes. I've caught glimpses of him on some vidieo material, and its obvious he can still play and sing if he wants too.

    Ahh, if only their still weren't The Eagles, Joe might still be trying to push himself a little harder. I say the same thing about Steven Stills and CSN....

    In spite of all the blabber above, I really don't have enough Joe or JG in digital to make a comp Finch. Sorry. I just liked the chance to go on about who I think is one of Rocks under-valued heroes.

  6. #6
    Stainmaster Finch Platte's Avatar
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    Nov 2003


    This is not turning my crank. Too much solo Walsh, I think.

    Django's has some used JG- I think I'll scoop it up.

    Thanks, tho!

    elf pee

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Any chance I can score one of these comps? Growing up, my older brothers had lots of James Gang / Joe Walsh but I never picked anything up and forgot how most of goes. Besides the obvious ones of course.

    TIA to who ever ends up putting one together!


  8. #8
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
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    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyfi
    Any chance I can score one of these comps? Growing up, my older brothers had lots of James Gang / Joe Walsh but I never picked anything up and forgot how most of goes. Besides the obvious ones of course.

    TIA to who ever ends up putting one together!


    Hey Brain,

    I'll get a copy out to you tomorrow. Of course I couldn't leave well-enough alone so the new comp looks like this:

    I Was Worried That Was Gonna Happen
    A Joe Walsh/James Gang Compilation

    1. Funk #48
    2. The Worry Song
    3. Problems
    4. Time Out
    5. Woman
    6. I Told You So
    7. The Bomber:
    a) Closet Queen
    b) Cast Your Fate To The Wind
    8. The Confessor
    9. County Fair
    10. Shadows
    11. Turn To Stone
    12. Funk #49
    13. Mother Says
    14. Bones
    15. Walk Away
    16. Meadows
    17. Thanks

    NP: June Of 44 - Anahata
    Originally Posted by Troy: She has that same kind of cleft-pallet, slightly retarded way of singing that so many other people find endearing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Thank you sir. Much appreciated.

    NP: the hum of 3 networked PCs while I study and practice for my MS Windows 2000 Pro test on Wednesday.

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