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  1. #1
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Annual Mystery Disk Group Review CD-R Trade Thing?

    Don't know if anybody is up for one of these things, but thought it might be kind of fun to send out a few copies of a recent pseudo mystery disc and do a group review. Many of you probably already know what it'll be, but I'll leave that out for now, and hope that you also avoid mentioning who you think it is in subsequent discussions until the reviews start. I've actually got 2 or 3 that I was thinking of so even though I've talked a little about each, it might still be a mystery for most people.

    Anyway, I'd be up for sending out maybe 10 mysterious copies. Doesn't need to be that many, but that's probably about max. If you just want in on the group review and are confident you may like the disk enough to buy it now, just PM me and I'll tell you who it will be (within a couple days) and availability details.

    Just post here that you want in and if need be PM me with your address. But there is implied in the offer an obligation to post your impressions of the disk along with everyone else once you've had time to absorb it. Good, bad or otherwise. Doesn't have to be a long-winded dissertation (although that's always cool). All in fun of course, but no holds barred

    What was the last one we did? Was it the Hot Hot Heat? I know we tried to come up with another one after that but don't recall too much success. Or I guess we did do Manitoba after that. That was a good one with a lot of mixed reaction. I think chrisnz and I were the only ones that really liked it without reservations, so maybe saying "mixed reaction" is overstating the positive side, huh? Hehehe, oh well, someday it'll be looked back upon as a classic, you can count on that!

  2. #2
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
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    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    Don't know if anybody is up for one of these things, but thought it might be kind of fun to send out a few copies of a recent pseudo mystery disc and do a group review. Many of you probably already know what it'll be, but I'll leave that out for now, and hope that you also avoid mentioning who you think it is in subsequent discussions until the reviews start.
    I'm game and I'll even use full paragraphs when I post my two bits. Can't refuse that now, or can you? Plus it'll give you an excuse to send that Silver Jews disc along for the ride

    NP: SFA - Mwng
    Originally Posted by Troy: She has that same kind of cleft-pallet, slightly retarded way of singing that so many other people find endearing.

  3. #3
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    If you think that they'll let it over the border, I'd like to play.

  4. #4
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slosh
    I'm game and I'll even use full paragraphs when I post my two bits. Can't refuse that now, or can you? Plus it'll give you an excuse to send that Silver Jews disc along for the ride
    A mystery bonus disk? Yeah, I'll throw a bonus disk in some of the packages. Or maybe I'll just send everyone a different mystery disk and see how the group review goes. That would be funny. People arguing back and forth, calling each other idiots and morons, not knowing there talking about different disks. Heehee, kind of like a normal music board

  5. #5
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn
    If you think that they'll let it over the border, I'd like to play.
    Yeah, I'll leave out the produce and pharmaceuticals this time. Vous êtes tout seul.

  6. #6
    Toon Robber tentoze's Avatar
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    I'll give it a shot.
    ----Never Off Topic, Never Rude-----

  7. #7
    Dubgazer -Jar-'s Avatar
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    I'm game!
    If being afraid is a crime we'll hang side-by-side,
    at the swingin' party down the line..

    The Replacements

  8. #8
    Crackhead Extraordinaire Dusty Chalk's Avatar
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    I'll commit to diatribe. And perhaps even thinking before I write. Please, and thank you.

    PS I have no idea who it is -- if you think I'd not be interested, or if I got it already, please feel free to PM or e-me (I've fixed my email to connect to my gmail account, to anyone who cares).
    Eschew fascism.
    Truth Will Out.
    Quote Originally Posted by stevef22
    you guys are crackheads.
    I remain,
    Peter aka Dusty Chalk

  9. #9
    Forum Regular Ex Lion Tamer's Avatar
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    I'll give it the ol' college try, tough to say no to free music.
    "I don't know. A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof, and when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." The Right Honourable JC.

  10. #10
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Hey! Over here!
    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    Just post here that you want in and if need be PM me with your address. But there is implied in the offer an obligation to post your impressions of the disk along with everyone else once you've had time to absorb it. Good, bad or otherwise. *Doesn't have to be a long-winded dissertation (although that's always cool).* All in fun of course, but no holds barred
    *then what's the point?

    In all seriouslessness, I'd like to try my hand. Its been a while...


  11. #11
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tentoze
    I'll give it a shot.
    Fired it lately?
    Quote Originally Posted by -Jar-
    I'm game!
    Too bad the season's over
    Quote Originally Posted by Dusty Chalk
    I'll commit to diatribe.
    Can't say I didn't see it coming
    Quote Originally Posted by Ex Lion Tamer
    I'll give it the ol' college try.
    Better late that never
    Quote Originally Posted by 3-LockBox
    I'd like to try my hand. Its been a while...
    Tell me about it

    OK, enough call and response nonsense. Looks like we're only up to 7 so got you all covered, but Dusty expect a PM and 3-LockBuddy PM me your addy.

  12. #12
    Forum Regular
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    A sometimes wet and damp York, England

    Room for one more?

    I seem to remember Manitoba's Up In Flames left me cold last time but your usual choice selections rank pretty high in my books.


  13. #13
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
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    In a dead sea of fluid mercury
    think I'm #9.

    "Ahh, cartoons! America's only native art form. I don't count jazz 'cuz it sucks"- Bartholomew J. Simpson

  14. #14
    Close 'n Play® user Troy's Avatar
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    hit me!

  15. #15
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike
    Room for one more?
    Looks like some room between Jar and Dusty, but guess it depends how comfy you are squeezing in with 9 old men and 1 alleged woman.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Clark
    think I'm #9.
    Looks like those night classes are helping - soon you'll be able to count and compose a complete sentence
    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    hit me!
    Stand still for long enough after posting your scathing mystery review and I might

    Oops, didn't I promise no more bad one liners. I lied. Any more? Is this a quorum? Guess so. I'll get em out early next week and we'll see what happens. Probably be a couple weeks after that before they all land but post comments whenever ready and we'll just keep bumping the thread back to life.

  16. #16
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    Vous êtes tout seul.
    I am?

  17. #17
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    on some faraway beach...
    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn
    I am?
    You take issue with that but not the "alleged woman" comment? Hehehe, I'm not fluent in French and the subtle differences in meaning phrases can have when translated back and forth, but it was meant to say "you're on your own", in relation to me leaving out the produce and pharmaceuticals this time (silly joke about border embargos and orange stickers and all that). Which simply means you'll have to supply your own. But plugging it into bablefish I see it probably really means "you are all alone", which I assume is what you think too. Subtle, yet significant difference in English. So ... pardon my French
    Last edited by Davey; 01-12-2006 at 04:04 PM.

  18. #18
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    You take issue with that but not the "alleged woman" comment?
    Nah, I've been called worse. Besides, I was just happy that you didn't call me an old woman.

    I guess that means that I shouldn't expect any yummy California oranges in the mail. They're one of my favourite foods this time of year. Like sunshine in my tummy.

  19. #19
    Crackhead Extraordinaire Dusty Chalk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    ...Dusty expect a PM...
    drums fingers
    Eschew fascism.
    Truth Will Out.
    Quote Originally Posted by stevef22
    you guys are crackheads.
    I remain,
    Peter aka Dusty Chalk

  20. #20
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    on some faraway beach...
    Sorry for the delay but this little project got derailed for a bit. But I do have the stuff ready to go out and should be hitting the post office tomorrow morning. Everybody that signed up will get a copy of the #1 mystery disc, and everybody will get a bonus mystery disc too, mainly labelled either #2 or #3. Couple people get something different. Just for fun. No real obligation, but all comments welcome and appreciated.

    That's all. Just an update from the front.

  21. #21
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Wow, almost 2 months later they finally got mailed. Like I always say, whaddaya expect for free? It's been so long that I can't even remember which albums they were, so it'll all be a mystery to me too

    But be forewarned, if you really want to listen to any of the discs with the mystery intact, I didn't change the play times so CDDB or freedb or the WMP db will probably pull up the details on your computer. Also, they were all burned with CD-TEXT so the disc title/artist/song titles are all there for display if you play them with something that supports CD-TEXT.

    Have fun and don't worry about my not-so-fragile ego if you think the music is sucky beyond description (although you can still try to describe its suckiness for fun). You know by now that sucky music is the kind I like best, and you still signed up

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