Having upgraded the crossover caps and inductor on my Maggie 1.6's a little while ago, I'm generally pleased with the results. Still haven't finished the boxes to house the the now-external crossover (will get around to that eventually).

One nagging problem, however. I got some poly shrink tubing (the kind specifically made for wire) but had much trouble with it. I expected it to shrink up and collapse around the wire when I heated it, but it just kinda shriveled up and didn't provide any kind of a good seal at all. It doesn't do at all for the foil strips on the inductors

I've noticed a slight bit of corrosion (oh no!) at the end of the exposed inductor foils, so I've been spraying them down with DE-OXIT cleaner on a frequent basis. I definitely need some protection here. What can I use? I think DE-OXIT makes some kind of thick gel that hardens after application, but am uncertain if this stuff is the right thing to use.

Is electrical tape a no no?