Taste Test: Light Beers

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  • 03-16-2014, 08:53 PM
    Taste Test: Light Beers
    Goodhousekeeping magazine evaluate 6 light beers using a panel of testers to rate each light beers and rate them.

    Ranked accordingly:

    1.Sam Adams: This full-bodied beer impressed our tasters with its rich, earthy notes. The depth of flavor of Sam Adams Light had one panelist surprised that it was a light beer in the first place.

    2.Michelob Light: Most of our testers found Michelob Light clean and crisp, as well as "slightly sweet."

    3.Bud Light:Almost all of our reviewers agreed that Bud Light tasted "light," with many complimenting the beer’s "malty" and "yeasty" taste.

    4.Budweiser Select: While some panelists found Budweiser Select "more complex than you’d expect from a light beer," many also complained it was bitter and "bread-like." Nonetheless, the general consensus was that it was a crisp and clean choice.

    5. Michelob Ultra: Many of our panelists found Michelob Ultra to have a nuttier taste than the other beers — one reviewer described it as "nutty with a little spice". Not everyone was a fan of the flavor though, and the biggest complaint was that the lager was just too thin.

    6. Amstel Light: Even our lowest-rated beer had its fans, with one reviewer complimenting Amstel Light’s "rich, earthy, full flavor." The majority, however, did not like the bitter and dry taste, and one taster compared the flavor to that of medicine.

    Light Beer Reviews - Best Light Beer - Good Housekeeping
  • 03-17-2014, 04:06 AM
    As far as I'm concerned, light beers are completely irrelevant, but, as ever, chacun à son goût.
  • 03-17-2014, 08:18 PM

    Originally Posted by Feanor View Post
    As far as I'm concerned, light beers are completely irrelevant.

    You must be a regular beer drinker :D

    For casual beer drinker, light beers do have its place. It will be treated like a refreshment drinks such as coffee or tea.
  • 03-18-2014, 04:22 AM

    Originally Posted by Smokey View Post
    You must be a regular beer drinker :D

    For casual beer drinker, light beers do have its place. It will be treated like a refreshment drinks such as coffee or tea.

    Likely you're right, Smokey, as far as people using light beer as a refreshment beverage. Personally I don't think of any alcoholic drink as "refreshment".

    Am I a regular beer drinker? I'd say 'yes' but not frequent beer drinker. In the summer maybe 2-3 beers a week; in the winter 1-2. Most light beers lack flavour which is my objection. I prefer full-bodied beers but not necessarily those with higher alcohol content.

    My perennial favourite remains Sleeman Honey Brown Lager which is 5%, the "standard" content for Canadian beers ...

  • 03-18-2014, 04:45 PM
    I see light beers as a gateway to real beer. In high school I didn't know much else but the type of beers listed here so like anything else I think it takes time to build a palate. Once you do you cant ever go back to watery light beers.
  • 03-19-2014, 02:08 PM

    Originally Posted by TheHills44060 View Post
    In high school I didn't know much else but the type of beers listed here so like anything else I think it takes time to build a palate.

    When I was in Highschool, most prefered beer among party goers was Miller 8 oz bottle. Of course that was in the early 80s, so teenagers taste palate might have changed since then :)
