Now I'm really pissed....
I've only posted on Iraq once in the year and change it's been going on. But this s**t that was pulled on our sevicemen and women today was the last goddamn straw for me. They call it "stop loss" now but when I was serving it was called "involuntary extension". It's bad enough that some soldiers had their tours extended in Iraq in the first place now they're being told that despite your (enlistment) contract being up, you can't leave, you can't go home you can't retire you're fu**in' stuck till WE say you're done"!!!!!!
They were just going "all volunteer" when I went in. Some guys signed a "contract". You serve 2 or 3 years and you're done. It's one thing to peace and another in war, but war was never declared. This is nothing but a stealth draft of people that can neither protest, strike or run to Canada and probably have done one or two tours in Afghanistan or Iraq already. They're in it up to their necks and their good and f**ked till Uncle Sugar says they can leave. In addition, if I were 10 years younger the fu**kers would be comin' after me as part of the inactive ready reserve. In plain language we can force you back if we need you no matter how long you've been out.
I said on Sept 11, 2001 as my son and his Mother walked uptown covered in death that I'd go if my country called and kill the bastards that did this. I'd still go to Afghanistan today if called. I have a combat MOS and I'm ready to lay down my life for my country. But I won't go to Iraq until every swingin' dick of draft age with the last name of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, Wolfiwitz and Rice are right there in it with me.
Ex Sergeant David D. Macks, late of the 5th, 8th and 2nd Combat Engineer Battalions...
Worf, your post reminds me of talk that the draft...
...will be brought back, and that women will not be excluded. I'm totally against drafting women, but how about Barb and Jenna Bush?? Draft them first!