Now I'm really pissed....

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  • 06-02-2004, 09:05 PM
    Now I'm really pissed....
    I've only posted on Iraq once in the year and change it's been going on. But this s**t that was pulled on our sevicemen and women today was the last goddamn straw for me. They call it "stop loss" now but when I was serving it was called "involuntary extension". It's bad enough that some soldiers had their tours extended in Iraq in the first place now they're being told that despite your (enlistment) contract being up, you can't leave, you can't go home you can't retire you're fu**in' stuck till WE say you're done"!!!!!!

    They were just going "all volunteer" when I went in. Some guys signed a "contract". You serve 2 or 3 years and you're done. It's one thing to peace and another in war, but war was never declared. This is nothing but a stealth draft of people that can neither protest, strike or run to Canada and probably have done one or two tours in Afghanistan or Iraq already. They're in it up to their necks and their good and f**ked till Uncle Sugar says they can leave. In addition, if I were 10 years younger the fu**kers would be comin' after me as part of the inactive ready reserve. In plain language we can force you back if we need you no matter how long you've been out.

    I said on Sept 11, 2001 as my son and his Mother walked uptown covered in death that I'd go if my country called and kill the bastards that did this. I'd still go to Afghanistan today if called. I have a combat MOS and I'm ready to lay down my life for my country. But I won't go to Iraq until every swingin' dick of draft age with the last name of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, Wolfiwitz and Rice are right there in it with me.

    Ex Sergeant David D. Macks, late of the 5th, 8th and 2nd Combat Engineer Battalions...

  • 06-02-2004, 10:47 PM
    Well you don't actually think the politicians would actually fight or let their kids fight -- heck if that was mandatory there would be no wars.

    Same goes for medical aid - if Politicians had to actually wait in a que rather than pay then medical would be free and there wouldnbe no wait lists(though this is more of an issue in Canada right now).

    Besides I thought America was pulling out at the end of the month - I wish they would just install the dictator they want to install per usual and get on with it already. Then they can have that dictator sell them the oil at the pre-approved prices. Damn Shiite religious nuts getting in the way of this plan apparently.
  • 06-03-2004, 10:13 AM
    I'm feelin' ya. I too was an engineer, not the combat type. More like the map making type, TOPO. I just escaped the Army almost two years ago and was on a stop loss for about seven months. Thankfully I only have about two more years left in the IRR. This is funny.....just last week I was at an unclassified cnference concerning the topo community in the Army and one of the company commanders was talking about how her surveyors were surveying all the American bases because come June 30th the U.S. has to pay rent by the acre to the new Iraqi government.......thanks for the liberation, now give us your money!
  • 06-03-2004, 10:49 AM
    At ease Sgt.
    It's getting really serious when the Lone Ranger of Audio deliberately unmasks himself!

    Now is a good time to make sure you and your son's mom are registered to vote in November. It would be a great civics lesson for your son.

    That way you can personally exercise a "reduction-in-force" on the chickenhawks who got us into this "stop loss" mess in the first place.

    What does Essayon mean?
  • 06-03-2004, 08:11 PM

    Originally Posted by Swerd
    It's getting really serious when the Lone Ranger of Audio deliberately unmasks himself!

    Now is a good time to make sure you and your son's mom are registered to vote in November. It would be a great civics lesson for your son.

    That way you can personally exercise a "reduction-in-force" on the chickenhawks who got us into this "stop loss" mess in the first place.

    What does Essayon mean?

    Is the official Combat Engineer motto, kinda like Geronimo... it's French (imagine that) for
    "Let us Try" or "we shall try". We used to shout it when given tasks like build a baily bridge over a raging river by hand. Or put in a minefield in the dark or better yet take one out in the dark. Essayon.... Let us Try!!!!
  • 06-04-2004, 09:09 PM
    Worf, your post reminds me of talk that the draft...
    ...will be brought back, and that women will not be excluded. I'm totally against drafting women, but how about Barb and Jenna Bush?? Draft them first!

  • 06-04-2004, 09:18 PM

    Originally Posted by trollgirl
    ...will be brought back, and that women will not be excluded. I'm totally against drafting women, but how about Barb and Jenna Bush?? Draft them first!


    I'm all for drafting women. I have 8 sisters who are modern American women. They fought long and hard for equal rights, I say, let them have equal rights. As for the Bush girls, I totally agree, put them on the front line and this war is over immediately. Any war/game is easier if your playing with others lives/money. ;)