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  • 12-29-2008, 12:18 PM
    I said NO TALKING!
    Look out Texas, you've got nothing on those Phlly boys.


    Let's see a show of hands. How many of us have wanted to do the same thing?
  • 12-29-2008, 12:32 PM
    It's like I said a long time ago about the Northeast... Too many people and they're all in a bad mood. :mad: :hand:

    So GM, you've been away. For like more than a week. How's Mrs. feeling? Religous reasons? How're the Strats & subs holding up? :confused5: Everthing still in one piece?

  • 12-29-2008, 12:44 PM
    Hey Rich,
    Just been very sick. Today is my first day back to work sinse the 16th.
    Mrs. is fighting off morning sickness (which seems to have nothing to do with mornings)
    Everything else is status quo.
  • 12-29-2008, 01:35 PM
    Yer still lookin' green around the gills, Bug-eye!
  • 12-29-2008, 01:44 PM
    Stop playing with my eyes. You'll make them bug out more.:eek6:
  • 12-29-2008, 03:48 PM
    Such an apt pupil!
  • 12-29-2008, 05:54 PM
    I won't even go to the movies in the city anymore, it's that bad. Out in the 'burbs folks were raised with a bit of respect so I find it's not that much of an issue. I can say this, if, hypothetically of course, I did such a thing I sure wouldn't use a .380 and whatever caliber it wouldn't be a Kel-Tec.

    Kel-Tec, the white van speakers of guns.

    I had a buddy that took three to the chest leaving a movie theater parking lot. Some jabroni rear-ended him and, apparently already having some paper out on 'im, decided the best way to avoid any interaction with the local gendarmes was to start poppin'. A year and a half later he's "recovered" but still not the same.
  • 12-29-2008, 07:14 PM
    Gee, he looks like a pleasant fella, don't he?

    Hubby and I just came back from seeing the new Will Smith flick (totally predicable storyline but the acting was good). The chick in front of us spent the whole time texting on her blackberry...totally distracting. And the people behind us whispered through the whole thing. If you're not going to watch the movie then STAY HOME PEOPLE!



