Well, as I started this thread, I'm going to try to end it.
Thanks again for sharing your experience with those of us that care. It sounds like it was mind expanding which, as I noted, everything we do in life should be. Music is just one of the mediums that we as audiophiles or enthusiasts choose to transport us to a different level; physical, metaphysical, or emotional. Personally, I relate your experience at HP's to mine a few weeks ago behind the wheel of a 550hp 996 turbo. Talk about altering your base-line!
Believe it or not, I actually can understand your point of view although I rarely agree with it. You have every right to be skeptical and point out different opinions to newbies. However, as I was asking E-stat about his experience, this wasn't really the right thread for you to come in and trash. If you have personal differences w/ E-stat, hifitommy, and just about everyone else here, do it on your own time. Birds of a feather flock together and son, you're in the wrong flock. This is a public forum so I can't keep you from posting, but you really are preaching to deaf ears here so why waste everyone's time? Jump on your podium and preach to newbies, wmax, phil d, and whoever else thinks like you do. It's safe to say that E-stat, hifitommy, bturk, geoffcin, et. al. would not be people you choose to hang with. Think about it, the people you hang out with are just like you. Human nature, nothing more. This is not a slam btw, I'm just trying to keep these threads positive instead degenerating into the same mindless arguments every single time.
OK, now I'm off MY podium. Thanks everyone and try the roast beef!
I made a rather simple post: maybe yes, maybe no.
They couldn't resist responding. They hijacked the post. Yes, I responded to their posts too. Snowball rolling down hill. Life is like that, some good, some bad. Time to move on, too short and in the larger picture, it is meaningless.