Caught a matinee this morning and if that 10:30am showing was any indication, this will be a monster weekend. It was packed.

Now on to the movie. On the plus side, Bishop is in there. On the minus side, he's not the one they send back in time as they did in the comics. Since they have to keep the non-fanboys interested, the movie centers around Wolverine (again). I always liked Bishop and he is relegated to obscurity in here, which sucks.

Overall though the movie is good, fun, and hits the right beats for when action is needed. And whoever Jennifer Lawrence's stunt double/CGI team that does her fighting sequences is, they are phenomenal. Mystique's fights are easily the best of the movie. It misses on some emotional beats though. I wasn't as invested in the story as I was with First Class.

To rank it agains the others, I'd say it fits below First Class.
My own rankings go:
X-men/X2 (close tie for first)
First Class (bare second, close to tie)
Days of Future Past
The Wolverine
X-Men: Last Stand / Wolverine: Origins
(kind of a two way tie for last place)

DOFP didn't have the emotional impact that First Class had exploring the relationship of Neato/Prof. And McAvoy/Fassbender were so good in their roles in First Class, that here they weren't given as much to work with. It really felt like they didn't grow all that much from First Class, if at all.

Still a fun movie and I enjoyed it. And stay for the post credits teaser.

It's fun for the fanboys as it's the reveal on the next movies villain, as if the title wasn't enough. But it's cool to see how they showed him (before he beefs up) and his 4 buds.