• 11-26-2012, 06:15 PM
    Welcome to Sunday night... now the bloodiest night of the week!
    Think on it.

    "Boardwalk Empire"
    "The Walking Dead"
    "Game of Thrones"
    "True Blood"

    And those are just the worst off the top of my head. Remember when Sunday was the most bloodless night of the week?

    "Ed Sullivan"
    "Bonanza" (rarely was a shot fired in anger.

    Geeze Louise - I'm no prude and as a vet I've seen my share of violence but tonights body count was ridiculous. Even had me shaking my head in disbelief! And next weeks gonna be even WORSE!

  • 11-27-2012, 11:05 AM
    Jack in Wilmington
    Throw in the Spartacus show on Showtime (I think) and you need a transfusion after watching those.