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  1. #1
    Suspended markw's Avatar
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    Noo Joisey. Youse got a problem wit dat?

    OK, who here besides me watches "Smallville"?

    C'mon, I know you're out there...

    OK, the big thing this season is that someone buys the farm, and I'm not talking the Kent's place, either. They have been talking it up all season and it takes place this week.

    Who do you think it will be? I'll place my vote now and give my reasons. That way if I'm wrong (and it wouldn't be the first time) I've been up front.

    I'll say Chloe's contract doesn't get renewed. Why?

    1) Virtually everyone else (save Lionel Luthor) is superfluous to the Superman mythos. Ma and Pa Kent, Lana, Lois and Lex all have important parts in Superman's future and to kill them off now would go totally against the historical flow. They do seem to be trying to incorporate as much of his DC Comics mythos (in one modified form or another) in this show. ...and a little from the Superman II movie as well.

    2) She knows... Even in the old "Lois and Clark" series, anyone who stumbled on Superman's secret identity (or is it the other way around?) met with an unfortunate end, although it was usually in the same episode.

    So, anyone else care to chime in? Bueller?...

  2. #2
    Forum Regular
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    First off, I friggin love that show.

    BUT, I was disappointed. Bringing back Lana from the dead, and then killing Jonathan Kent was a bit of a cop-out.

    I'm pretty tired of the Lana character. She's annoying the hell out of me, and as one fan on the Smallville message board proclaimed, "it's time for that b**** to go".
    I can take what’s being given
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  3. #3
    Suspended markw's Avatar
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    Noo Joisey. Youse got a problem wit dat?

    It's the only show I record and watch every week.

    I don't watch much else actually.

    Yeah, that whols episode was one big tease. That "leap" with Lana thatsure looked a lot like he knew how to fly to me, that episode with Lois in the water and, most of all, that bit with La na and the car wreck.

    I was betting that Johnathan would lose the election, Lex would be on his way to become president for his world domination/destruction trip, Clark and Lana would drift apart due to Clark's constant evasiveness (which looks like it's happening anyway) and the Chloe would meet another untimely end, only stay dead this time.

    Not that I don't like Chloe, but she doesn't fit in to the existing "Superman" world. Pa Kent did. But, I guess they have other ideas.

  4. #4
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    I do watch this show. I find it generally interesting and entertaining which is more than I can say for the rest of what is on television these days. This is one of the only shows that I have my vcr set for on a weekly basis in case I fall asleep after dinner. I liked the premise of the Avenging Angel that was on this past Thursday. The gal received a heart transplant from a party that had been exposed to that meteorite shower. Interesting up to date super-plot ploy.

  5. #5
    Suspended markw's Avatar
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    Noo Joisey. Youse got a problem wit dat?

    Gee, thought this thread died.

    I do remember some old comics where the Kents died and I had o clean off some eg from my face.

    They seem to be taking this thing into some strange directions. This thing where Lionel Luthor seems to be sniffing after Martha Kent is new and unsettling. And, who is this mysterious avenging angel in Metropolis? But, even if we never see her again it seems that she has given Clark some ideas about how he can be himself, what with a secre tidentiry and such. I did like how she initially came off as somewhat of a typical klutzy classic "Clark Kent", what, with the glasses and everything.

    And, It seems that Lex, while somewhat devious and self serving, still isn't quite as malevoent as the mythos would have him and, in fact, looks like he is a very good friend to all around him, even Clark. The biggest bone of contenton between him and Clark seems to be that Lex senses there's more to Clark than meets the eye (duh!) and is a bit peeved that Clark won't level with him. ...can't say that I really blame him here.

    Yeah, this silly show is my main guilty pleasure. Why they don't just segue into a full blown Superman I don't know. He's old enough to pull it off.

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