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  1. #1
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    I admit it, I was wrong.... I thought we were smater...

    I guess I uderestimated the stupidity of the American viewing public AGAIN... 69 million people tuned in to watch "American Kareoke" on Weds night. Yet we couldn't save "Firefly" or hundreds of other great shows that have come and gone without a trace over the years... How truly sad....

    Da Worfster

  2. #2
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worf101
    I guess I uderestimated the stupidity of the American viewing public AGAIN... 69 million people tuned in to watch "American Kareoke" on Weds night. Yet we couldn't save "Firefly" or hundreds of other great shows that have come and gone without a trace over the years... How truly sad....

    Da Worfster
    It's in the advertisements. No one knew that Firefly was on. When it showed up on Sci-fi a few years later, it just happend to fall into a slot that I was already recording each week. If it weren't for that, I may have never seen it. Then Serenity was only advertised on the Sci-fi channel. The movie was great IMO. And I loved having the theater to myself. Maybe a dozen other people there. It's a shame. Some shows put 99% of their money into the show and 1% into advertisement. Some put 1% into the show (or movie) and 99% into advertising (The Guide and Amer Id come to mind). And who does well? The 99% to hype wins. Don't get me wrong, there are some good shows doing well like Lost. But they do some advertising to get people interested. It's a good mix, maybe 90 show to 10 hype. Many of the good shows that have fallen away were because no one knew they were on.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  3. #3
    Man of the People Forums Moderator bobsticks's Avatar
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    down there
    All due respect to your advertising theory, but I believe this to be a fine resolution of a "topical" v. "substanative" conflict in American society today. It is easier to turn on the tube and slurp down whatever low production cost pablum the mediaheads see fit to broadcast. It is a much greater challenge to think and analyze...

    Cheers I suppose,
    So, I broke into the palace
    With a sponge and a rusty spanner
    She said : "Eh, I know you, and you cannot sing"
    I said : "That's nothing - you should hear me play piano"

  4. #4
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobsticks
    All due respect to your advertising theory, but I believe this to be a fine resolution of a "topical" v. "substanative" conflict in American society today. It is easier to turn on the tube and slurp down whatever low production cost pablum the mediaheads see fit to broadcast. It is a much greater challenge to think and analyze...

    Cheers I suppose,
    I'm not sure what you're saying. Will there be a movie about this I could watch while drinking a brew?
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  5. #5
    Rep points are my LIFE!! Groundbeef's Avatar
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    American Idol

    I would like to put my .02$ on this topic. Although American Idol may not be your cup of tea, it is perfect for family viewing. I know full well that I can sit comfortably and watch an hour with my 3 girls 5,7,9 and not have to worry about profanity, sex, or violence. I do not shelter my kids, but also I am careful as to what they watch.

    America's funniest videos is also another family favorite.

    However, on the filp side my wife and I enjoy 24, and Lost. Neither one would be good for family viewing (for those with small children).

    So don't begrudge a show that allows people to watch with their kids. We enjoy it, and it livens up the dinner discussion. If you don't want to watch it, dont.

  6. #6
    Kam is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worf101
    I guess I uderestimated the stupidity of the American viewing public AGAIN... 69 million people tuned in to watch "American Kareoke" on Weds night. Yet we couldn't save "Firefly" or hundreds of other great shows that have come and gone without a trace over the years... How truly sad....

    Da Worfster
    just read some more numbers today on the show:
    43 million tuned in to view
    63 million votes were cast.
    So, if everyone who viewed voted, that's a max of 43 million people voting (bush got 49 million votes in the last election, 104 million votes were cast, and 295,734,134 is the total population of america, according to the CIA, not sure what percentage of that is voter aged)
    but the 63 million here have to be double+ votes, since the show allows one person to cast like 50+ votes if they want to keep calling in. not that its really any consolation to your statement, since firefly and arrested development and many other shows still went kaput.

  7. #7
    Forum Regular paul_pci's Avatar
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    If it's any consolation, I didn't watch American Idiot (surely that's a typo). While groundbeef's point is well taken, it cannot account for the numbers Worf brings up as households that are married with minor children comprise no more than 25% of the population.

  8. #8
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Groundbeef
    I would like to put my .02$ on this topic. Although American Idol may not be your cup of tea, it is perfect for family viewing. I know full well that I can sit comfortably and watch an hour with my 3 girls 5,7,9 and not have to worry about profanity, sex, or violence. I do not shelter my kids, but also I am careful as to what they watch.

    America's funniest videos is also another family favorite.

    However, on the filp side my wife and I enjoy 24, and Lost. Neither one would be good for family viewing (for those with small children).

    So don't begrudge a show that allows people to watch with their kids. We enjoy it, and it livens up the dinner discussion. If you don't want to watch it, dont.
    Mindless family entertainment is one thing... slavish mindnumbing obsession is another. Politics is life and death in this country, ask any Katrina victim, so it's a damn shame that a glorified Kareoke contest gets almost as much coverage as a Presidential Election. I don't mind that you watch the thing with your kids fine.. but the number of idiots that obsess over this show is scary beyond words and sad if you ask me. Not only do better shows get short shrift during Idol mania but real goddamn life gets ignored as well... This is sad...

    Da Worfster

  9. #9
    Color me gone... Resident Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worf101
    Mindless family entertainment is one thing... slavish mindnumbing obsession is another. Politics is life and death in this country, ask any Katrina victim, so it's a damn shame that a glorified Kareoke contest gets almost as much coverage as a Presidential Election. I don't mind that you watch the thing with your kids fine.. but the number of idiots that obsess over this show is scary beyond words and sad if you ask me. Not only do better shows get short shrift during Idol mania but real goddamn life gets ignored as well... This is sad...

    Da Worfster you actually think it's any different from anything that goes on in the media-driven mentality of the consumerific guinea pigs that are the vast, viewing public...

    They vote one way because their fave media personality does things Oprah raves SUVs cuz it's the thing to do...yada, yada, infinitum, ad nauseum...we've been down this road before...Submitted for your approval, the lyrics from Frank Zappa's "I'm The Slime":

    I am gross and perverted
    Im obsessed n deranged
    I have existed for years
    But very little had changed
    I am the tool of the government
    And industry too
    For I am destined to rule
    And regulate you

    I may be vile and pernicious
    But you cant look away
    I make you think Im delicious
    With the stuff that I say
    I am the best you can get
    Have you guessed me yet?
    I am the slime oozin out
    From your tv set

    You will obey me while I lead you
    And eat the garbage that I feed you
    Until the day that we dont need you
    Dont got for one will heed you
    Your mind is totally controlled
    It has been stuffed into my mold
    And you will do as you are told
    Until the rights to you are sold

    Thats right, folks..
    Dont touch that dial

    Well, I am the slime from your video
    Oozin along on your livinroom floor

    I am the slime from your video
    Cant stop the slime, people, lookit me go

    The powers that be just love it when vast segments of society get obsessive over one thing or another...great camoflage for all the underhanded cr@p that goes on while no one is paying attention...

    jimHJJ(..."We have met the enemy and he is us" from Pogo by Walt Kelly...)
    Hello, I'm a misanthrope...don't ask me why, just take a good look around.

    "Men would rather believe than know" -Sociobiology: The New Synthesis by Edward O. Wilson

    "The great masses of the people...will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one" -Adolph Hitler

    "We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves" -Goethe

    If you repeat a lie often enough, some will believe it to be the truth...

  10. #10
    M.P.S.E /AES/SMPTE member Sir Terrence the Terrible's Avatar
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    I watched it one night just to check out the quality of the singers. IMO it was not the best that I have seen come from this show. And to think that alot people were really into this
    Sir Terrence

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  11. #11
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Terrence the Terrible
    I watched it one night just to check out the quality of the singers. IMO it was not the best that I have seen come from this show. And to think that alot people were really into this
    My wife loves this show. I can put up with it sometimes. Often I find myself walking out though. Not only are some of the singers half rate, but so is the audio. Krackle, pop, drop off, surge, pop pop krackle.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  12. #12
    Suspended topspeed's Avatar
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    I can think of a couple of reasons to watch AI:

    Seriously, Kat is smokin' hot! Plus, she can actually sing, which is more than most of today's wretched "pop" stars can say.

    In addition to the very valid reasons posted by groundbeef, I actually enjoyed the show because I thought Taylor Hicks (the winner) and Chris Daugherty (the rocker who should have been the winner) stayed true to their character. Whereas McPhee will likely have a steller career based on her talent and looks, she doesn't have anything special that makes her different from the thousands of other pop wannabe's. Taylor legitimately has soul. He makes every song he sings his own, as opposed to just signing someone else's song (as Kat did in the finale). This is the first time since season 1 that I actually watched all they way through. I abhor pop music so usually, I could care less who won. Taylor and Chris are not pop and therefore made it interesting.

    As for the political undertones of the thread, I stay away from such arguments. Everyone has a right to believe whatever they want to.

    Some are just wrong...

  13. #13
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topspeed
    I can think of a couple of reasons to watch AI:

    Seriously, Kat is smokin' hot! Plus, she can actually sing, which is more than most of today's wretched "pop" stars can say.

    In addition to the very valid reasons posted by groundbeef, I actually enjoyed the show because I thought Taylor Hicks (the winner) and Chris Daugherty (the rocker who should have been the winner) stayed true to their character. Whereas McPhee will likely have a steller career based on her talent and looks, she doesn't have anything special that makes her different from the thousands of other pop wannabe's. Taylor legitimately has soul. He makes every song he sings his own, as opposed to just signing someone else's song (as Kat did in the finale). This is the first time since season 1 that I actually watched all they way through. I abhor pop music so usually, I could care less who won. Taylor and Chris are not pop and therefore made it interesting.

    As for the political undertones of the thread, I stay away from such arguments. Everyone has a right to believe whatever they want to.

    Some are just wrong...
    Now I understand..... If they wanted ME to watch they should have called it "American Cleavage" then I'da been all over it. LOL... well to each his/her own. I GUESS it ain't hurtin' nobody.

    Da Worfster

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