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  1. #1
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    How do find time for movies?

    Edit: The subject line is supposed to read, "How do you find the time for movies". Why can't we edit the subject line?

    So, do you DVD collectors ever watch regular TV shows or do you primarily watch movies? I love movies. And we just switched over to digital cable, which has hundreds of on demand movies, that I know eventually will get very expensive for me. But my problem is that I seldom have 2+ consecutive hours to sit and watch a movie.

    Now that we have the On Demand thing, three times now Hubby and I have said "we're gonna watch Brokeback Mountain tonight". But by the time we're both ready to sit down and watch it, it's too late and we're too tired, so we end up watching some crap on TV for an hour and then go to bed.

    How do you find the time for movies?

  2. #2
    Da Dragonball Kid L.J.'s Avatar
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    Posted in da cut
    I have a few shows that I record throughout the week that I sit down and watch when I get the chance. Not much though.

    As far as movies go, before my youngest son was born 7 months ago, I would watch a movie almost every night. Since then, things have changed and I find myself going weeks without watching any movies.

    A couple of weeks ago I was sick and had the house to myself, so I took advantage of that and watched a few movies. Last night the wife and I put the kids to bed early, pulled out the snacks and put on The Hills Have Eyes. We haven't watched a movie together in months, so it was nice.

    Having a bedroom system is nice, because sometimes I can just slip in there on a lazy sunday and watch a western or something. Otherwise, I usually have to wait until wifee goes shopping before I can get the entire house shaking.

  3. #3
    Suspended topspeed's Avatar
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    A valid question, FA.

    I sadly can't remember the last movie I've seen at the theater that wasn't a cartoon -although I'll be the first to admit I was just as excited to see Cars as my kids . In the past couple of weeks, we've rented a few movies that I simply couldn't find the time to watch. I had Syriana for 7 days and never saw it. Yesterday, after seeing the Jarhead case sit on my counter for the last 6 days, I finally found time to stick it in the player. (Somebody owes me two hours of my life back for that one, btw). About the only movie watching I'll get in now is something on HBO/Cinemax/Starz/Shotime that I'll pick up bits and pieces of or one that I've TiVo'd. When I finally get home from work, it's dinner, homework, bathe the kids, read them a story, and bedtime. I won't even see what's on the tube until 8:30 or 9:00, and by then it's pretty rare for me to have the energy to sit through an entire movie.

  4. #4
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Anywhere but here...

    Do you have Tivo

    or a DVR? You can record a movie then watch half now and half later. This is known as the LJ style of watching movies. Or is that when you watch half now, something else later, half of something else, then 25 minutes of this, 35 minutes of that........
    .... and then watch all the climaxes together. Uh... nevermind.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  5. #5
    Kam is offline
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    i guess i'm very lucky in that respect since movies are my "homework." so when i'm not in production (on top of the dayjob) i am watching about a movie a night. and not having any kids also frees up a lot of my time too i guess.

  6. #6
    Da Dragonball Kid L.J.'s Avatar
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    Posted in da cut
    Quote Originally Posted by GMichael
    or a DVR? You can record a movie then watch half now and half later. This is known as the LJ style of watching movies. Or is that when you watch half now, something else later, half of something else, then 25 minutes of this, 35 minutes of that........
    .... and then watch all the climaxes together. Uh... nevermind.
    What's funny is there's a couple movies that I only watched the first half and never got around to the rest. Can't have sub rumbling the walls when little LJ is sleeping. He's getting older so it's getting a little better.

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