I Found My place in the Sun [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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02-14-2005, 09:14 PM
Well I gues thisis the spot for me
I have 3 sets of Vintage boxes
1- 1970-1 Wharfedale Linton 3's -- 3 way boxes with an 8 " bass driver nice mids and hihgs I wouldn't mid updating the bass driver
next celestion I belive apx 1977 Ditton series 33 3way boxes fairly large with a 10" bass driver in them they are Ok but need 60 watts and up in them they like to see some power in them

Last cestion Ditton 33's series II 3way boxes with an 8" bass driver in them educated age 1978-9 .
Have some new technology in them fortheretime perios
bass driver is a pol-pro -pa-lean driver and niffy mid & tweter in them
I thnk they wer trying to compete with KEF at the time
Nice boxes .
I'm stil after a pair of KEF 105.2'sif I can ever raise the cash and find a used pair locally
Go borke shiping these.

I like old English stuff a lot they really put a lot of R&D in there gear from the start.
I 'd also like to get an old pair of Atec "Voice of The Theatre " speakers as well and maye some older JBL stuff as well.
I am using most of thse boxes for play back monitors in my home studio
I don't like the current junk down t my local music stores in the referience monitors these days

02-15-2005, 09:01 AM
I heard a pair of 20 year old 104/2's at T.H.E Show, they were awesome. Theres a pair locally that has been tempting me.. the 105/2's look interesting too.

02-15-2005, 04:16 PM
I heard a pair of 20 year old 104/2's at T.H.E Show, they were awesome. Theres a pair locally that has been tempting me.. the 105/2's look interesting too.
Hello Eric.
I beleive the 105.2 are better tne the 104's they went back to a single 12" bas driver with 105.2's.
Both are great boxes.
If you even find the 104's if theya priced righ grab them
These babys are hard to come by used.
Most owners seem to hang on to them for long long periods of time .
Alsothe als might need a cross over updae as well
Som eof the other AV sights have brough this point point up .
Parts are pretty slick as well but most likely worththe in vestment .
. Alotof old gear stilholds its own in todays market place the surrond thng was a god senf forhte audio maket.
get to sel a **** load of driver now over just a air od steeo speakers .

I Have a huge rat's nest with my surround system 8 friggin drivers set up !!
I got smart aand labled everything so I don't ge tlost !!
I'm just rebuilding surround into my audio recording set up
My next set of speakers are going to be wireless !!
Glad you put this site up.

I wish we had the guy who bought 2x HIWATT 180 watt mono tube amps be interesting for a sit down at his place.

03-01-2005, 08:39 PM
would be my choice of kefs. i heard them demoed with a tt carrying a denon 103d to VERY good advantage. the 105s dont interest me, theyre not as natural sounding in the bottom.