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Bill K Davis
02-08-2005, 12:54 PM
Any suggestions for replacements for Sovtek EL34 tubes for my Jolida 202 amp? I play rock at moderate levels. Are Mullards( $40) worth it?

02-08-2005, 01:43 PM
I dont know about Tubes but here are some places that sell them:

02-08-2005, 01:53 PM
Any suggestions for replacements for Sovtek EL34 tubes for my Jolida 202 amp? I play rock at moderate levels. Are Mullards( $40) worth it?

Many times dealers will play around with various tubes in the products they carry. Your dealer may have some suggestions if you can't find some users. Also, there's a guy in Georgia that runs Underwood Hifi who can be tracked down on - he carries Jolida, both stock and modified. He might be able to recommend some.

02-08-2005, 02:09 PM
Any suggestions for replacements for Sovtek EL34 tubes for my Jolida 202 amp? I play rock at moderate levels. Are Mullards( $40) worth it?
There certainly are lots of choices. A number of Jolida users on another board have had good luck with the current SED (formerly Svetlana) crop. I use them in my VTL amps.

02-11-2005, 03:04 PM
Any suggestions for replacements for Sovtek EL34 tubes for my Jolida 202 amp? I play rock at moderate levels. Are Mullards( $40) worth it?

I would check out a few tube reviews first before just jumping in .
Your still going to want to bias your amp with new tubes in it.
The bios is a tune- up for the tubes to get the best performance out of them also match proper voltages going into them as well.
It's worth the extra bucks to do this can prolong the lif eof the tubes and get your amp sounding real nice as well.

02-16-2005, 12:27 AM
Sounds like me. I have the same amp with the same sovtek el34's that I actually "upgraded" to for $40 new, about a week after I got the Jolida. I was just looking around at audiogon. Always check them out for good deals. (

Anything by Mullard, Svetlana, and of course the famed but pricey Telefunken are awesome. And biasing the JD 202a is easy. Just pick up a basic digital multimeter from radio shack for like $15.

But I have to ask, what don't you like about the sovtek's?

02-17-2005, 08:23 PM
Hi Bill,

Try going to AudioKarma ( to the tube forum and ask the question there. I know MikE, in particular, has a bit of experience with not only the Mullards...but other EL34's as well.

have fun!


Bill K Davis
02-19-2005, 09:26 AM
Sounds like me. I have the same amp with the same sovtek el34's that I actually "upgraded" to for $40 new, about a week after I got the Jolida. I was just looking around at audiogon. Always check them out for good deals. (

Anything by Mullard, Svetlana, and of course the famed but pricey Telefunken are awesome. And biasing the JD 202a is easy. Just pick up a basic digital multimeter from radio shack for like $15.


ut I have to ask, what don't you like about the sovtek's?
One of my middle tubes burnt out on the backside, where the transformer juts out. I have read a few reviews and get the idea that the Sovteks are "improving" ,and also a little weak in the bass department. I am looking at Electro Haarmonics ($28, unmatched ), or Svetlana C wing($47 matched), on ebay. I am also looking at the expensive Pearle tube coolers($40), which are supposed to improve sound ,and at least double the life of the tubes.Since the tube burnt out where it did, I am concerned about reflected heat. I have Fried speakers (old AS 2 or something) which are a little delicate. Thanks everyone.

05-23-2005, 10:28 AM
I just when through the tube shopping $#^$&& and there a lot of bad sounding tubes out here. in the last year I've had EH's. Svetlana, Mullard, and GE's GTB's,RCA .SED's . well they all sound different but my tastes tend to Rock sometimes and I like the Mullards and the GE's. the Svetlana tubes are nice and low $ but not as good as the mullard's . I ended up with mullards in my pre-amp, GE GTB's and SED's in my amp's so you may find you like something different but the sovtecs and most Chinese tubes are not going to give you the best sound that you could have.