Amp to match with VTL TL5.5 Preamp [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Amp to match with VTL TL5.5 Preamp

01-27-2005, 04:20 PM
Can anyone suggest a couple amps to match with the VTL TL5.5 preamp? I am finding my current setup rather dry and flat. I enjoy listening to very open and warm sounding systems. Thanks. :)

Audio Alchemy Ultra DAC
Denon DVD5900
VTL TL 5.5 Preamp
Krell KAV 150a
B&W Nautilus 805

01-27-2005, 06:03 PM
What price range? Have you tried running the Denon straight through without using the AA DAC? Have you checked your room acoustics and speaker positioning?

01-27-2005, 06:49 PM
The AA DAC sounds better than the Denon alone. I will spend up to $3500 for an amplifier. Thanks.

01-27-2005, 10:32 PM
Warm and open, huh? Naturally, the first amp that comes to mind is the successor to what I drive my B&W's with, which is this PS Audio GCA amp. ( The GCA 250 is 250wpc into 8 ohms, 500 into 4, and will be more amp than you'll ever need for the 805's. In fact, the GCA100 would be more than enough as the Nauts are relatively efficient. I run the previous gen HCA2 with mine and it has all the warmth and magic of tubes without the rolled off highs or flabby bass. It also plumbs the depths of said bass like few SS amps can while providing deep black backgrounds and astonishing speed and transient response. A perfect match for the strengths of the Nauts. The synergy within my rig was immediately apparent, especially after auditioning amp after amp over a 4 month period.

If you want to stay with tubes, I love the classic ARC sound and thought this ( was interesting as well as amps like this BAT ( Others to consider would be ASL, VTL (duh), and maybe VAC if you find a nice used one (they can be pricey). Amps are great buys used as they have no moving parts and therefore relatively safe investments. The tubes wear out obviously, but you knew that.

At first blush, I would think that the amp is the cause of your problems. I've never been enamored with the Krell sound, which is exactly how you describe it.

Hope this helps.

01-28-2005, 07:42 AM
Can anyone suggest a couple amps to match with the VTL TL5.5 preamp? I am finding my current setup rather dry and flat. I enjoy listening to very open and warm sounding systems. Thanks. :)

Audio Alchemy Ultra DAC
Denon DVD5900
VTL TL 5.5 Preamp
Krell KAV 150a
B&W Nautilus 805

These solid state amps are supposed to mate well with tubed preamps and have reputations for being "warm":

McCormack DNA-125 or 225 (or any of the older DNA series if you go used)
Belles Hot Rod 150A - Belles has a reference series now that may be even better suited for a tube pre
Pass Labs Aleph 30 - "only" 30 watts per channel but each one is class A, there's a new X series out but you can still get the Aleph

The 125, 150A and Aleph 30 are all in the 1,200-1,500 range, but each manufacturer has more powerful amps in each series if you need more power. These made my shortlist of amps to match up with a tubed pre from my short list of tubed pres - which the VTL 5.5 is on. If you audition one of these with a tubed preamp (preferably your own), please post an update.

01-28-2005, 07:51 AM
I run the previous gen HCA2 with mine and it has all the warmth and magic of tubes without the rolled off highs or flabby bass. It also plumbs the depths of said bass like few SS amps can while providing deep black backgrounds and astonishing speed and transient response.

Hey,speedy - what preamp are you running with the HCA2? (You've probably mentioned it before, but my memory is hibernating for the winter.)

01-28-2005, 09:47 AM
Believe it or not, I just run it through my Denon 3803 in Pure Direct mode because my HT must also serve as my main two channel listening rig. I've always liked the way Denon processes rbcd's, and in PD mode, the 3803 throws 16(!) Burr-Brown dacs at the signal which results in an ultra smooth, very analog-like presentation. I thought about getting a dedicated pre with a Theatre Bypass, and I could have used my PSA 4.6 in this manner, but decided to wait until I build a dedicated 2 channel rig and take my HCA2 out of the HT system. The Denon is great for movies but can't cut it for critical listening. Based on what I've heard so far, I really don't forsee ever getting rid of my HCA2 unless it suffers a catastrophic failure. I honestly feel I'm getting the best of both tube and ss worlds with it.

01-30-2005, 07:58 AM
Thanks Speed and Dean. I have some work cut out for me. The suggestions sound great, and I will be auditioning some of them soon.


01-30-2005, 06:59 PM
Can anyone suggest a couple amps to match with the VTL TL5.5 preamp? I am finding my current setup rather dry and flat. I enjoy listening to very open and warm sounding systems. Thanks. :)

Audio Alchemy Ultra DAC
Denon DVD5900
VTL TL 5.5 Preamp
Krell KAV 150a
B&W Nautilus 805

Have you considered any of the VTL stereo amps, the ST-85 or the ST-150. The 150 is 150 watts/channel in tetrode mode, 75 watts/channel in triode. There are also a few monoblocs by VTL that maight be perfect for you.