View Full Version : John Hinckley Jr., on the loose?
Man, I don't know about Hinckley getting un-supervised visits to his parents home. Seems a little risky. His Doctors have said he is no threat to himself (who cares) or others. Maybe, maybe not. I think he should be locked away for good. He shot a PRESIDENT, and almost killed Brady. Who knows what he is still capable of if on his own. I just have this sinking feeling he has been able to hide his true mental status from his doctors. The one comforting thing is, the Secret Service will be on his ass 24/7 while he is out of the hospital.
He is one person I would not loose any sleep over if he were put away for good regardless of his mental status.
What do you guys think?
12-19-2003, 03:43 PM
Is that he can snap, so to speak, at any time. As can any other reformed mental patient. Hell, any body can snap. We all have our limits. But seeing as he did attempt to assassinate the President of the United States, I guess we should hold him to a different standard than other mental patients.
12-21-2003, 08:07 AM
I really doubt he's a danger to himself or anyone else - safe as milk, having done his job for the - um, who are those guys?? Let me turn the kalidescope some more. Suppose that there is a faction within our society which operates in secret, has lots of money and resources, and is accountable to no one. In that faction/organization would be the usual fraction of people who lust for power. It might have headquarters in a town in Virginia, just outside the DC area, a town whose name begins with the letter "L". Do you get the picture? I'm trying to not use trigger words: Central ____________ Agency. There, I almost said it. Of course, there would be many more organizations involved, but many of the same people. Think of the movie Manchurian Candidate - this outfit I've almost mentioned advanced the art of mind control which was begun by the Nazis. In fact, they brought a lot of them over here after the war. They are able to advance their New World Order by programming selected people to carry out selected tasks. Often it was to off people who had become inconveinent. Example: JFK would not go along with the Bay of Pigs invasion. Now, do you suppose that the Cuban patriots got there all the way from Florida in Zodiac boats? No, they were taken there in two ships: the Barbara and the Zapata. Ring a bell? Barbara B__h and Zapata Petroleum, both belonging to George B__h. Two weeks before he was offed, JFK gave a speech in which he announced his discovery of a vast conspiracy in this country, and his intention to blow the lid off of it.
"As you progress from the individual level to the national level, the less things are left to accident or chance. Note: If a man comes to ruin, it's usually his own fault. If a nation comes to ruin, somebody planned it that way." -Lazarus Short
How about some more names, such as Robert Kennedy, John Lennon, all the people who turned up dead during the Clinton administration (oh, wait, they were all suicided weren't they?), and lately, the woman who sued B__h for rape. Oh, that was a suicide too, or was it??
In the case of John Lennon, I read somewhere lately that the perp stated that when he found himself there with a pistol, a voice in his head insistently told him to DO IT. It's perfect, the job gets done, the perp does not remember anything and can't finger you.
Even though they have suppressed a lot of evidence and covered their tracks, they leave patterns. As I said before, the case for the conspiratorial view of recent history may not be provable, but things smell bad, very bad.
Hinckley's a tool, worry not.
12-21-2003, 10:37 PM
Trollgirl; you sound like my brother somewhat. There are people who believe that there is some kind of conspiracy always going on leading to some host of events. If everything is a conspiracy then who can one believe in what is going on. My brother thinks Reagan was never shot by Hinkley; it was a set-up to get Reagan's programs passed once he "recovered". To make it look good, others were targeted such as James Brady. So is my brother nuts or correct? Seems nobody is talking. Does Reagan today have alzeimmers? Nobody sees him. Is he really sick or feigning sickness so he cannot be questioned on some of the chicanery that went on during his administration.Interestingly, in the DEEP SPACE NINE SERIES, Starfleet had a undermining operation going.Just when one thought that Starfleet was a "goody two shoes" outfit. In the STAR TREK series, the Romulans had their "Tal-Shire".
JSE; As long as the Secret Service is on Hinkley's behind, at least he is being monitored. As far as I am concerned, Hinkley does not deserve to be on any outside trips from the insttitution. Any drug therapy in the psychiatric realm is generally powerful stuff and can cause psychological changes if not taken on a regular basis on time. There are times that psychotropic drug therapy can fail at any time as well. This I have witnessed myself. Your concerns are justified. James Brady has paid a terrible price of suffering in his lifetime because of Hinkley.
Again, all I can say is wow. I am going to get that book. Should be an "interesting" read. Bye the way, how do we know YOUR not a secret undercover operative who is just trying to wash off years of guilt by posting these "conspiracy theories" in this forum? Hmmmmm? Where were you on .................?
You bring up a good point. What if during those un-supervised visits he does not take his meds. Could he revert? Granted, Reagan would probably be a hard target right now, but the possibility is always there. It would be interesting to know if his supposed recovery came about on it's own or if it is the result of drugs. If it is due to drugs, he needs to stay locked up, period. Even if he is ok now without drugs, he still needs to stay locked up.
12-23-2003, 06:39 AM
Not that this matters, but the judge who let him loose was appointed by Clinton. I am in agreement with one talk show host in the area where I live. He said (paraphrasing here)," If you either shoot or attempt to shoot a President you should never see the light of day."
12-23-2003, 12:51 PM
JSE; As far as I know, Hinkley still takes drugs that would be perscribed by the hospital. I would or could not trust him or his parents to see that he was taken those drugs regulaly on visits outside of the hospital. He belongs confined to that hospital. There was not quite a similar case on a MSNBC documetary on a schizophrenic the other night but the person involved could not remember to take his drugs. This did lead to a tragic death of an innocent person on the BMT 23rd st. subway station in N.Y.C. The other interesting thing in this case was that the ill person consistently asked for help and knew what was best for him, but he was not given this by the system.
I had a former friend in college that I mistakenly rented an apartment with. He had some major Bi-Polar issues and was on meds for it. When on the meds, he was pretty stable but for some reason he quit taking them. You could be talking to him and see it come over his face. It was freaky. He would get violent sometimes and either try and lash out against somebody or some thing. I moved out quickly. But not before having to pin him up against a wall a couple of times to calm him down. Maybe it was just this guy, but he would change quickly. Sometimes as I mentioned, right before your eyes within seconds. If Hinckley stops taking his meds, hopefully he won't have a similiar reaction. My former friend went from being a cool guy that got along with everyone to a uncontrollable raging lunatic once he went off his meds. Actually, I am not sure Bi-Polar is the correct diagnosis for him. I am not sure of Hinckley had a violent past, other than shooting the President. If he did, I would really watch him closely.
12-24-2003, 04:26 AM
" If you either shoot or attempt to shoot a President you should never see the light of day."[/QUOTE]
Well, now, that's the problem isn't it? Public officials are put on a pedestal as being more valuable than us hoi polloi. I thought the president was just the first among equals. His safety should not involve any of the strong-arm tactics we see. You'd think he was the Godfather being protected by his Mafia henchmen. It is one sign among many that we are passing from a republic to an empire, just as Rome did. BTW, are any of you aware of just how Roman-themed our capital is? The statue at the very top of the capitol building is some Roman goddess (forget the name). The very name "capitol" refers to a temple of Jupiter. It is a deep subject, like my take on 9/11, but America seems to be doing a da capo of Roman history, but in double time.
12-24-2003, 05:45 AM
Would you rather them be shot to death, electricuted, or put to the eternal sleep by some other means?
This isn't simply a mayor, member of Congress, or city official. This is the leader of the free world. This is the President of the United States of America.
Additionally, we are not talking about strong arm tactics to ensure citizens and businesses pay you for "safety". We are talking about an assassination attempt of easily one of the top five politicians in the world, if not the top.
As far as our culture reflecting that of Rome, yes, I am aware though that is another discussion for another time.
Due to the individuals position as President people who either assassinate or attempt to assassinate the person holding the Office of President of the United States should either be killed or spend the rest of their lives behind bars, preferably in solitary confinement. Extreme? Not hardly, given the nature of the person.
Yet again, Wow!
I am for one am proud to put our President on a pedestal in terms of security and importance to our countries we being. Like it or not, we need a leader. Without a leadership structure there would be chaos. After reading some of your posts, maybe that's what you want? I could not stand Clinton, but if someone shot him I would say put that person to death or away forever. I also felt Clinton deserved the same protection that any other President deserved.
As far as following the same fate as the Romans. There are so many differences between the Romans and the US that I am not even going to try and spell them out. Sure there are similarities, I hope there is. The Romans are part of our history and provided the world with many great innovations and architecture.
So trollgirl, maybe you should screw YOUR head on right. Maybe you will start seeing reality. Or, you can keep trying to expose the big conspiracy.
Ooops gotta go, the Mother Ship is calling.
12-28-2003, 10:17 AM
The Romans...provided the world with many great innovations and architecture.
So trollgirl, maybe you should screw YOUR head on right. Maybe you will start seeing reality. Or, you can keep trying to expose the big conspiracy.
IMO, the Romans merely borrowed from those they conquered, such as the Etruscans, the Greeks, the Carthaginians, etc. They were brutal and efficient at converting free people into slaves and corpses. Yes, they did have some innovations, and they figure large in our history, but a case can be made that they brought antiquity crashing down and ushered in the Dark Ages. This would be thru short-sighted policies, and they did not know what they were doing - sounds like us, yes? Expand your frame of reference - there was another great empire to the east of Rome, and it had a long and glorious history too, but very few people are even aware that it ever existed. India? China? No, it's the Parthian Empire. It was the rival of Rome, and without it the history of the West would be very different.
As far as my head being screwed on right, let me add to what I've already said. The prez and his family have secret service protection, and the advantage of laws which make assault on them a worse crime than the same Act done against any other citizen. What about our legal principles of equal rights and equal protection? If you make one man or a group of men more important than their fellows, they then become (like legends in their own minds) better than the rest of us, and in time they regard themselves as being above the very law that elevated them in the first place. Now, isn't that just how it works? Can you tell me why they should be able to insulate themselves from life's hazards and even from the consequences of their own political decisions, and leave the rest of us naked to the wolves?? Example: The bulk of the people have Social Security to look to for retirement - what a joke, it was set up like a Ponzi scheme. Yet, the members of Congress have their retirement separate from the rest of us (do they know something we do not?), and get this, their retirements are indexed to inflation! It's an outrage!! Back to protection, I began to see things very clearly when I heard on the news an item about two women who were raped over and over, even though they had called the police. They sued, and the court ruled that the police (note well) were not responsible for the protection of any particular citizen. It follows that we must protect ourselves, but the police take a dim view of a citizen carrying any kind of weapon for that purpose. We get it coming and going. We are told that the police are there for our protection, but it's a lie. Years ago, I lived in a small city, lived downtown, and worked maybe two miles away. My shift ended at eleven PM, and I usually walked home. Most of my route was thru residental areas, and there I never saw a cop. Time after time, I saw no cop until I got to the business district around downtown. Police are there to protect business. I'm sure someone will post and tell me I am full of dung, but I believe what I see with my own eyes. If you think the police, or for that matter, the military, are there to protect you, I submit that you are living in cloud-cuckoo land.
Another book reccomendation: There was a general in the early twentith century, named (seems improbable, but memory may serve here) Hawley Smoot. He thought he was serving his country, but after his retirement, he thought things over and realized that he had just been making other countries safe for American business to operate in. The name of his book is "War is a Racket". Things are no different now.
12-28-2003, 03:40 PM
Trollgirl; you make some real good points. I had a teacher for history in a two year business school I attended from 1967-69. He use to say that wars were fought by many coUntries to acquire wealth. Our wealth is attributed to alot of business dealings. Look at the recent HALLIBURTON issue while american soldiers are dieing in Iraq; dieing for HALLIBURTON?
12-28-2003, 09:57 PM
Dying for Halliburton! Note how quickly they trotted out Saddam, or was that a double, when the heat was on over their finances. Expect them to bring out Osama at the next crisis, or just before next November's elections. It's all smoke and mirrors...
12-29-2003, 03:33 AM
Trollgirl; I think they got the real Saddam on this one. It would be "funny" if they got Bin Laden before election day. Then you might be able to say something stronger than "smoke and mirrors". You could now join the people that think certain things that are done are nothing more than conspiracies. The conspiracy list can be applied to more than politics but you can bet your booties that wealth and power feed conspiracies.
You are obviously a conspiracy theorist and I am not going to try and prove you wrong because conspiracy theorists always have an answer for everything no matter how out-landish (word?) the answers are.
But, in regard to the President being treated treated differently. Yes, the President is treated differently and I am all for it, as are most people in this country. This is not about Bush or Clinton, it's about any past and future President. I don't care who the President is, democrat, republican, whatever. They still deserve the protection due to their position that "we the people" elected them to. If you don't like that, change it. You have a voice and a vote. However, most people don't want it changed so your battle will be long and a failure. It won't be because the "Conspirators" stopped you, it will be because the people stopped you. The process stopped you. If you don't like it, leave.
In regard to my original post. I don't care who Hinckley shot. He needs to be locked away forever. He attempted to murder someone and physically impaired another for life. He's a monster. Not because he tried to kill the "President", because he tried to kill a human being and ruined the life for another. Nuff said.
12-30-2003, 04:48 PM can bet your booties that wealth and power feed conspiracies.
...would feed conspiracies?
12-30-2003, 10:29 PM
You've got to be careful though, you are starting to have some conservative thoughts racing through your head. Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme? FDR came up with it as a way to buy votes for the Democrats for years to come, and any problems would happen long after he was gone, and could easily be blamed on someone else. That kind of thinking got him re-elected 3 times. The third time he was nearly dead, and died in office during WWII without informing his VP about ANYTHING...not the war, not the economy...NOTHING. Japanese internment, the beginnings of our current welfare state, not being willing to take a stand on getting into the war, but instead hacking off the Japanese to get them to attack. There was only one real worthwhile ship at Pearl on Dec 7, 1941. The carriers and most other real targets were gone. Conspiracy? You tell me.
Halliburton's margins on government work is pretty slim. But there aren't many companies that can deal with all they can. Same with Bechtel. That's why they get the jobs. But they could make more in the private sector. They will make more money when the war is over than they will now. Their profit is yet to come, that's how they can afford to work for the government for cheap. There is, however, plenty for them to do even if the war never happened.
Let's see, treat someone who shoots a sitting president more harshly. I'm for it. Anyone stupid enough to shoot a president, deserves nothing less. You equate it to the man, but it is not the man, it is the responsibility the man carries. Shooting the leader of any major nation can cause stability and economic issues all around the globe, and could easily lead to the deaths of thousands. The punishment is not for the man, it is for the international disruption and potential of harm to the world as a whole.
They will drag out Osama's sorry backside when they get him. Timing has little value politically, but an earlier capture or other unfortunate "incident" leading to his "unfortunate demise" would lead to futher disorganization in the terrorist world. Sure, there would be a brief flare-up, like we are seeing now, but in the long term, recruiting efforts would be hurt, and support among Islamic nations would fall. Iran is next. Their population in their 40s and younger are very pro-American, and the older generation is getting weaker, but also more unstable. Saudi Arabia is starting to change. Deals made decades ago are starting to fall apart with the Wahabists. They didn't like being attacked by terrorists either. Funny isn't it. Both of these countries send lots of money to fund Osama's "parties".
You want my opinion on JFK...a good part of the answer has 3 initials too...LBJ. Neither one of them was a Republican or a Bush.
Short sighted policys? Clinton had short sighted policys. France has short sighted policys, as does Germany, Russia, and the UN. Until this terror thing is licked, there can be no other policy. France and Germany are just trying to stay out of the crosshairs of the terrorists while making a buck off of them. Russia kind of is in their crosshairs, but, they don't have much to blow up. Too disfunctional.
Empire building? You've been listening to Howard Dean too much. There is no empire building. There was a reason for Afghanistan, and precedent for Iraq. Bush 1 should have told the UN to shove it in '91. Clinton should have gone in when he had the support. The whole Iraq mess cost the UN dearly in terms of authority and "mandate" (don't you love that word?). The repercussions have only just begun. Kofi Annon, France, Germany, and Russia have just turned it into a "League of Nations". "Just" is the wrong word...12 years of not coming down on Iraq for not coming into compliance with UN rulings. Iraq brought all this onto itself by invading Kuwait...Okay, Saddam did. Empire only exists in the vernacular of the radical Left and their supporters.
I'm going to bed now. Tonite I will dream of Ceasar Bushus enslaving and killing Afghans and Iraqis to borrow from their advanced 1st Century countries. The dreams will be good. He will stand before the Tri-Lateral Commission and order them to launch the black helicopters and release all UFO info, JFK info, Jimmy Hoffa, and Elvis. Crap...Osama just sold me a slurpie....
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