Does somebody know about Acurus? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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01-21-2005, 06:30 PM
How I said in another topic, I have the chance of getting an Acurus A-200 power amplifier in very good price but I don't have information about them. I was reading reviews and they are ok . I would like to know if someone has experience using Acurus and which is the level of these amplifiers. Entry level? Better or equal than Rotel, Nad ? I know that Mondial makes Aragon which is very good amplifier but I am not clear about Acurus.
Please, If some of you guy knows something, let me know I want to take a desicion as soon as posible about this chance.

01-21-2005, 07:31 PM
How I said in another topic, I have the chance of getting an Acurus A-200 power amplifier in very good price but I don't have information about them. I was reading reviews and they are ok . I would like to know if someone has experience using Acurus and which is the level of these amplifiers. Entry level? Better or equal than Rotel, Nad ? I know that Mondial makes Aragon which is very good amplifier but I am not clear about Acurus.
Please, If some of you guy knows something, let me know I want to take a desicion as soon as posible about this chance.

I should say up front that I am no big fan of solid state. Having said that, the A200 is a very decent power amp, in the league with Rotel and Parasound. Assuming it's in working condition, you shouldn't have any major sonic problems if you're used to the sound of those amps. As I recall, it was a little less veiled than most of the NAD's I heard at the time - about 6-7 years ago. If it's a good price, go for it.

01-22-2005, 01:36 PM
I recently auditioned some Tyler Acoustics Taylo Reference Monitors powered by an Acurus A200. The amp seemed to perform very well to me in the short time I listened to it. If you would like some manufacturer's info you can go to and look up the A200 (Product Line, Product Search, Discontinued). I think Klipsch purchased Mondial and discontinued the Acurus line in favor of the Aragon. I've noticed that when Acurus amps become available on that they don't last very long which indicates to me that knowledgeable buyers think they're pretty good products. You might also do a search for 'acurus' on the audiogon discussion forums. One of the members has posted some pictures of the internal construction of the amp so you can see the build quality. Pretty impressive in my opinion. I think the A200 could effectively drive almost any speaker with it's ample power into 8 and 4 ohms (200 and 300 watts respectively) so it's probably a good buy. It's certainly at least an entry level product and should compare pretty well with equivalent products from other manufacurers. Hope this helps and good luck.