Favorite comp you've had a really long time - (Thanks, Pelv) [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Favorite comp you've had a really long time - (Thanks, Pelv)

01-21-2005, 06:51 AM
I don't know if "Pelv" even visits these parts anymore, but I got this comp he sent me probably 4 or 5 years ago, a collection of Henry Mancini tunes by various artists and - let's put it this way: some comps get lost in the shuffle, some comps see the round file, but some keep finding their way back to occasional rotation and are always close at hand - this one's in that latter group. Playin' it right now at work.

Any particular one comp that you've had forever that you never seem to get tired of?

01-21-2005, 07:01 AM
Actually a few of the first comps I ever recieved still get play time.

Chip's Winter Fades
Troy's Progressive Pastiche

I do still play lots of everyones comps because I prefer the veriety sometimes over 14 tracks by the same artist.

How ya been Power Pops?


01-21-2005, 08:41 AM
Actually a few of the first comps I ever recieved still get play time.

Chip's Winter Fades
Yeah, that is a good one. I'm kind of proud to say that Chip made that one for me initially, at least that's what he told me. In response to one I sent him called something like "Searching for the Blues" that was meant to be like a roadtrip through the part of my CD collection that got the most play, with some stops along the way at bluestown and indiecity and rootsville, and I even managed to sneak in some west African blues I really like. Kind of a fun comp but somewhat forgettable is comparison to the one he sent me that has become something of a classic around Rave Recs land. Thanks again Chip. Nice job. :)

Searching for the Blues (http://members.mailaka.net/davey/comps.htm#Searching_for_the_Blues)

01-21-2005, 09:49 AM
How ya been Power Pops?


Not bad, not bad, thanks for askin' - how's about you?

Lately, what I'm enjoying with a bunch of the old comps and regular cd's as well is ripping them to Easy CD Creator's Audio Central media player (yes, MP3's!) and hooking to my stereo, hit "Shuffle Play" and a variety of tunes play continuously without changing a disc. I'm hearing a lot of stuff I haven't heard in a long while this way.

o/t: Guys & Gals here, you're invited to come check out www.crf2.com

01-21-2005, 10:01 AM
Your 'Power Pop Essentials' for one. 'Slow Summer Songs' by Allears (where the hell is he?). Demetrio's Prog Samplers also still get rotation. unleasHell's SHAM comps and his quirky Personal Favs comp still get played. But one comp that has really cost me some money is Hyfi's Bruford comp. I must have purchased at least 8 or 9 CDs from artists on that comp.

I'm probably leaving one or two more out just because of poor memory, but that was a special time a few years ago, what with two or three different comps floating around every month.

PS_ My kids are in love with FA's Songs To Be Boppy By, but alas, they don't take very good care of it, and now it skips like hell, and EAC can't get a good fix on it :(

01-21-2005, 10:11 AM
Glad you're still getting some use out of the pastiche CD, Hyfi. That was probably my personal favorite of my modern prog mixes too.

I still play BradH's "Texas Clubland" a lot. PPG's first Power pop mix as well.

Was that mix of Mancini covers the "Shots in the Dark" disc? Great CD.

01-21-2005, 10:59 AM
Glad you're still getting some use out of the pastiche CD, Hyfi. That was probably my personal favorite of my modern prog mixes too.

I still play BradH's "Texas Clubland" a lot. PPG's first Power pop mix as well.

Was that mix of Mancini covers the "Shots in the Dark" disc? Great CD.

Yes it was. I wish there was a Vol. 2 but it would invariably disappoint.

01-21-2005, 12:42 PM
I usually find I like about half to 3/4th of the songs on any comp I get. What makes a comp special is the sequencing and and juxtapositions.. things that work together that I would have never thought of in a million years.

Two great examples are MidFi's "Just Say Wo!" comp and maf's "Sound of Dreams" comp.

Both have several songs I count among my favorites, several that I hadn't heard in years and a few big surprises that I would have never thought of.

I feel bad that I don't have enough time to listen to all the comps I have.. I barely seem to have time for music at all. Hopefully soon things will even out and I'll be able to find some music time. The little one just needs SOOO much attention.. I'm sure the parents here know what I'm talking about..


Mr MidFi
01-21-2005, 03:00 PM
There were so many great songs on Slosh's (Ms. Nomer's, that is) Rave Rec Discoveries/Rip Off comp that I ended up anthologizing most of them on different volumes of MetaComps of my own. I really need to break out the original again sometime soon.

And Jar's got several comps I still like to play, most notably A Pretty War and his Porcupine Tree comp.

And oh yeah...Masters of Power Pop vol. 2. Can't forget that one...

Dusty Chalk
01-21-2005, 05:36 PM
Davey's Space Rock comp comes out and gets played every time I run across it.

01-22-2005, 08:03 AM
Rae's Get Yer A<a>ss Out & See Somebody gets my vote for best comp ever. It's rare that a comp holds my attention all the way through and this is a double CD no less! He also sequenced it in the chronological order he saw these shows and yet the damn thing still flows. Amazing

Lots of other good ones too numerous to list but I can always count on Stone, Jar, Davey, tentoze, and Mid-Fi comps to stay in heavy rotation. There's much more than that but I think I had one too many Spatens last night to conjure up the others.

01-22-2005, 02:42 PM
I like a bunch of 'em, but a few that stand out for repeat listens would be maf's 1977 comp, davey's alt.country one, mason's Husker Du comp and Jim Clark's You can't surf in Kansas. I also always drag out the Christmas comps every year.

My only problem is I seem to always ask for comps at once, and I end up with a stack too big to go through and really appreciate or remember which bands I wanna check out later. I usually eventually let 'em sink in though.

01-22-2005, 04:50 PM
Rae's Get Yer A<a>ss Out & See Somebody gets my vote for best comp ever. It's rare that a comp holds my attention all the way through and this is a double CD no less! He also sequenced it in the chronological order he saw these shows and yet the damn thing still flows. Amazing

Lots of other good ones too numerous to list but I can always count on Stone, Jar, Davey, tentoze, and Mid-Fi comps to stay in heavy rotation. There's much more than that but I think I had one too many Spatens last night to conjure up the others.

Love that Spaten but sucking on a Stella Artois right now. The Germans definitely have it all over the Belgians when it comes to beer! But to be fair, I think this stuff used to be a lot better before it became a supermarket commodity over here.

And that comp of Rae's is amazing. Don't know how he saw so many bands in such a short time, but hats off! There were a few epic type comps that people put together back in the comp trading heyday. Remember that amazing 60s comp that Chip and Nasty Dave and Brad put together? Wow, talk about three old guys with music flowing in their veins! Awe inspiring! And I think Chip is up to about number 386 in his Blues Deluxe series! And there was a run of comps you put out that was pretty impressive too. I know I couldn't keep up with them all! Like the Dubman (Jarman?) before he was domesticated :)

And then there's a guy like Whooptee who just stands back in the shadows, until all of a sudden he decides to announce a comp from out of nowhere that turns out to trump just about everything that has preceded it. Who knew? Where'd he perfect his craft? When did he pay his dues? Where'd he go after that? Am I still on topic?

01-22-2005, 05:05 PM

Love that Spaten but sucking on a Stella Artois right now. The Germans definitely have it all over the Belgians when it comes to beer! But to be fair, I think this stuff used to be a lot better before it became a supermarket commodity over here.

I never paid much attention to the small print on the Spaten bottle before but this is malt liquor? Well, it sure ain't Colt 45 :D Good stuff, especially for $19 a case.

This thread inspired me to play my second favorite comp this afternoon, Electric Lights, and I enjoyed it immensely. So much so that I'm gonna play it again right now. :) It even has some elements that tie in with Demetrio's newage thread.

01-23-2005, 07:15 AM
There have been so many good comps from you guys, I play them all the time.

ChipB's Blues Deluxe, This Rocks, Tied Dyed and Fried and his excellent Robin Trower set.

Jars reggae comps some of the best I've got.

J's Almost like the Blues, Roots of punk ,The Rock in Punk Rock,Vee Jay /Chess Soul,Old school Jumpin

Rae's Minneapolis Recordings.

Yech's Pass the Afrosheens,The Last Waltz. Eat My Shorts

60's Project Pop and Rock.

Jack '70's Timemasheen series.

DBI's Searching for the Blues. Dated 22 Jan 2001

PPG's Essential Power Pop and The superb Badfinger comp.

Great artist comps. Moody Blues. J Tull, Chili Peppers.

Chrisnz RPM triphop comp. This was the first comp I got.

The comps we made by specific year.

The year end comps, so much new unheard stuff always good.

Last ,but not least my very own Soul Galore comps

Now the cool thing is now I have an ipod I keep nearly all the above on it plus some I know I've not mentioned.

The comps made by you guy's are something I really enjoy they contain high quality music and have turned me on to so much new stuff that I'm now poor. I understand the file sharing laws, but I've bought a hell of a lot of cd's that I would never would have heard if not for comp's like these.

10 inches of snow yesterday, from a very white Michigan.


01-24-2005, 12:24 PM
Jim Clark's You Can't Surf In Kansas! A classic I forgot...love the track, "Intoxica"

01-24-2005, 02:04 PM
Tops for me is Troy's NO SOLOS :

A collection of killer drum tracks without the mandatory drum solo thrown in anywhere.

Also got a bunch of prog comps from Demetrio and Barry L that I listen to often.

01-24-2005, 04:19 PM
Without seeming ungratefull to anyone for all the great music comps I've received over the years, these are still finding their way into the hole after 5+ years-
Jim Clarks 'Bottom of the outhouse / Wall of Voodoo comp'
Demetrio's 'Progressive Gems Vol 1, version 1'
Unleashell's 'Worldwide eclectic prog'
All of the above were put together with alot of effort and I'm glad they did.

And four that I know'll be there in 5 + years
DustyChalks 'Things I played the night we broke up'
Jack70's 'Guitarists under the radar'
Finch's (comp's what comp's?) 'Early Journey comp'
Dave G's 'Peter Tosh comp'

01-25-2005, 09:48 AM
I don't have nearly as many comps as some do, but I always appreciate getting them. It's a great way to hear stuff I'd never get to hear, even if it's stuff I'm not totally into or would ever buy on my own. Stuff like Jay's ex-Beatle and Beck comps, Richmon's Doo Woppers, Dimetrio's (newer) prog, etc. There's Chips great Blues Deluxe series which I dig into for a couple cuts on a reg basis, Pelv's many various comps, Brads neat BBC radio stuff... but I hate making lists cause there are just too many people that aren't going to get proper credit, simply for time/space reasons. So, thanks to everyone.

01-25-2005, 05:56 PM
My greatest fear in responding to this thread is that I'll leave out something I really like, but what the hell...

Brad's 'Texas Clubland' is one that I keep someplace handy. I had that one cranked up about a week ago on the way to work and it gets regular play.

I'm extremely fond of the early Blues comps Jay sent me back when we first started trading. Listening is both a treat and an education. No one here knows music in greater breadth and depth than Jay. It's kinda humbling getting into a thread discussion with him (in a good way).

As far as series go, I <i>always</i> look forward to Jackson's Timemasheen comps. The sheer volume of obscure--and GREAT--music is amazing. I have the whole series filed together so I can lay my hands on them quickly. I especially like the Western Swing comp and the stuff with Ellen McIlwaine.

Tony's 'Soul Galore' comps are essential for R&B fans. Definitely the gold standard for great soul that goes well beyond the top 40 stuff.

Dave Nasty (DLD) and Snowbunny's Canadian comps are outstanding. Dave also turned me on to Snakefarm and a truly incredible Loudon Wainright III tune that still blows me away.

Davey's 'Searching for the Blues' has been played multiple times and I'm always amazed at the deft way he pulls together all those disparate elements.

Though he probably thinks that everybody 'hates' his comps, da Finchster's 'Blue Screen of Death' has some outstanding moments...and I rather like the Hoodoo Gurus comp we collaborated on. I got exposure to great Gurus tunes I probably would've never heard had he not sent me his ceedees. I also really like FP's 'CD Side of Town'.

More recently, I've been playing Jeff's excellent Lucinda comp. He picked every single song I like (except one). Great minds apparently think alike, especially when putting a 'harp' comp together.

Most of all, I give credit to the Banned One--not for the trolling, but for having outstanding tastes in roots, soul, and Blues. If not for Bryan, I would've never heard Monti Amundson or Studebaker John or Brooklyn Funk Essentials or a host of other great stuff. Bryan cost me cash--in flock you quantities. Due to his comps, I've bought Boz Scaggs' 'Dig' and every Amundson and Studebaker John CD I can get my hands on. I play his 'Proggers Eat My Shorts' comp as often as my own favorite CDs. Brilliant stuff.

On another note, It's nice to know that not all of the comps I've sent hither and yon have ended up under a Budweiser somewhere. There aren't many things more gratifying-at least from our common perspective here-than turning people on to new music and having it well-received.

For the record, I'm only up to 'Blues Deluxe' #247 (well actually, 23), and I'd surely play my 'Winter Fades' comp more often if my wife would only let me borrow it for a little while every now and then. And yes, I did put that one together specifically for lil Davey.

Though it hasn't been mentioned here, the comp I'm most proud of is 'unsolicited'. I play that one as often as any of my other comps.

I just wish I had time to make more comps (there's several I've planned), but my job is muy time-consuming and I spend most of my at-home hours doing things with my family. One of these days though...


01-25-2005, 07:16 PM
Chip- damn good reason to be proud of "Unsolicited". It spins still around here, and still knocks me out.

01-28-2005, 09:24 AM
Two more I'd like to mention:

ToddH's Instrumental Grammys
jack70's SBB comp

08-07-2009, 01:29 PM
Just a few minutes ago I popped in my SHAM comp - it just gets better with age.

I have a lot of former and current RR's comps on my Ipod, but the SHAM comp by unleasHell stands alone.

08-09-2009, 09:54 PM
Just a few minutes ago I popped in my SHAM comp - it just gets better with age.

I have a lot of former and current RR's comps on my Ipod, but the SHAM comp by unleasHell stands alone.

LOL, look at this ressurected after four years...

Howdy 3LB, I still listen to my SHAM's too! I think I only sent out 6 or 7 of them and for those newbies or anyone who forgot what SHAM, stood for?

S = Spooky
H = Haunting
A = And
M = Mesmerizing

Let's see, first there was the original "SHAM" Comp, then came "Son of SHAM" and then years later the "Romantic SHAM" and there is the soon-to-be-released: "SHAM-Wow"


08-10-2009, 08:46 AM
I have all three (wifey is a fan of the Romantic SHAM).

put me down for a copy of the SHAM-wow

Any new stuff you listening to?