Adire Rava Sub....Likes/Dislikes [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Adire Rava Sub....Likes/Dislikes

12-17-2003, 03:59 PM
Hey all,

I was just wondering if anyone else has any experience with the adire Rava sub. Ive had mine for about a year now and i havent seen anything that comes close in the price range ($435 at my doorstep) Ive heard louder, but not better. It goes low lound and clean. not much to look at, but hey, its in the corner anyway and it does bump in the night. Just wondering if anyone else would agree with me.


Norm Strong
12-21-2003, 08:40 PM
[QUOTE=muzicman20003]Hey all,

I was just wondering if anyone else has any experience with the adire Rava sub. Ive had mine for about a year now and i havent seen anything that comes close in the price range ($435 at my doorstep) Ive heard louder, but not better. It goes low lound and clean. not much to look at, but hey, its in the corner anyway and it does bump in the night. Just wondering if anyone else would agree with me.


I heard one connected to a small shelf system. It certainly fills out the low end.

12-27-2003, 09:02 AM
Likes. Quality bass for $400. Not boomy, fills in the very bottom even with full-range speaks. Good service from Adire. My room borders on needing two Ravas. Dan W. talked me out of upgrading my first Rava since he didn't feel I needed it and also out of just ordering two right away until I heard the first. As it turns out, I would like two, but that will be a DIY (most likely with components from Adire) when time allows. Shipped very well protected and also finished nicely, again for not much money.

Dislikes. None that I can think of.

If you're looking for $2000 bass, it will still cost $2000. But in it's price range, it's certainly a contender for the short list.