What amp to get (if at all?) [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : What amp to get (if at all?)

12-27-2004, 11:10 PM
Hi all, new to posting here but i've been reading a lil while now.

I currently am running a set of v.3 paradigm titans on a marantz sr-4400 reciever, with a pdr-10 sub.

I plan on building a set of the ar.com diys, and feel that the marantz would be limiting them. I still would like to have DTS and DD decoding, so would like to keep the reciever if at all possible...I'm just not sure if the built in pre amp would be high enough quality to bother with a better amplifier. (btw I know the subwoofer isn't that great for music, but kept down it fills out the sound and for home theater it can get boomy enough for me).

If getting a separate amp would help, what amp should i get? I was looking at the entry level Rotels, the 75watt and the step up from that. I heard them at my local a/v shop, and liked what I heard, but not sure how well they will match the ar.com diys. The rotel seemed neutral enough, but it was difficult for me to tell as it was on a rather bright set of speakers. Also, I'm pretty happy with the marantz brand, but I don't think they offer an amp in my category.

Budget is whatever I would have to spend within reason (would rather save up then settle for less) but lower is obviously better. I'll toss out $500 as a number.

12-28-2004, 08:01 AM
Hi all, new to posting here but i've been reading a lil while now.

I currently am running a set of v.3 paradigm titans on a marantz sr-4400 reciever, with a pdr-10 sub.

I plan on building a set of the ar.com diys, and feel that the marantz would be limiting them. I still would like to have DTS and DD decoding, so would like to keep the reciever if at all possible...I'm just not sure if the built in pre amp would be high enough quality to bother with a better amplifier. (btw I know the subwoofer isn't that great for music, but kept down it fills out the sound and for home theater it can get boomy enough for me).

If getting a separate amp would help, what amp should i get? I was looking at the entry level Rotels, the 75watt and the step up from that. I heard them at my local a/v shop, and liked what I heard, but not sure how well they will match the ar.com diys. The rotel seemed neutral enough, but it was difficult for me to tell as it was on a rather bright set of speakers. Also, I'm pretty happy with the marantz brand, but I don't think they offer an amp in my category.

Budget is whatever I would have to spend within reason (would rather save up then settle for less) but lower is obviously better. I'll toss out $500 as a number.

Check out Olivertmc's thread "2-channel amp for KEF Q15.2?" He's getting a power amp to run his front speakers and will use his Marantz a/v receiver as a pre. Sounds very similar to where you are headed.

BTW, I heard the Titan/PDR-10 combo when I was putting a system together for my son. I thought it sounded great for the price - good value.

Also, I'm considering getting the ar.com diy kit for my other teenage son who is into wood working and electronics. I would like to know how your project goes and what amp you choose to drive them. Keep us posted.

12-28-2004, 10:53 AM
Marantz was a good choice in that you can add on a power amp just for such occasions as upgrading - Wait until you listen to the new speakers on the amp you have - you may find it acceptable - adding power amps CAN be beneficial but it depends on the speaker. Marantz's preamp sections is about as good as Recevers get.

Still a Rotel preferably a used one would be a good step up. Buy a used power amp though - pretty safe buys as there are no moving parts - they have high depreciation so let someone else pay that.

12-29-2004, 08:57 AM
Thanks all for the advice. Looks like I will go ahead and build ar.com's and see where to go from there. I'll keep you guys posted :).

Wouldn't have thought to buy used, but now that I check prices it does seem a lot smarter. And glad to hear that marantz preamp section does better than other recievers as I would hate to pull this piece out.

oh, and the titan/pdr-10 combo was a great entry level system for me. I actualy added the sub later and was very pleased with the results considering how much I paid. I figured the ar.com's are the next step for good cost/performance ratio.