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12-23-2004, 10:39 AM
Gentleman,I'll start by listing what I have for componrts.Mitsubishi DA-A10 amp,DA-P10 pre amp Arcam CD92 source VMPS Tower Two Special Edition speakers,Panamax 5300.acfilter/ surge protecion device.Acoustic Zen Double barrel speaker cables and interconnects as well.I'm trying to fiqure out where my week link is?I'm thinking it's my amp and or pre- amp.It's what Mits called dual mornoral line of amps and pre-amps.Bought in 1982.I have'nt heard much good or bad about these units.I don't know if their even the week links.I guess I'm hoping they are. I guess if they are, I'm thinking how much will I have to spend to here an impovment..Thanks for the ear.Alex

12-23-2004, 01:15 PM
I'm trying to fiqure out where my week link is?I'm thinking it's my amp and or pre- amp.
That would be my conclusion as well. While there are any number of good amps on the market today, I favor ones engineered by a local Sacramenton, Nelson Pass. Since 1976, his company Threshold and later, Pass Labs have been producing some excellent amps and preamps. While his latest work is superb, you can find good deals on used Threshold gear. I still use a 20 year old Stasis amp that has never skipped a beat. There is an ex-Threshold engineer name Jon Soderberg who continues to work on them.


12-23-2004, 04:13 PM
Thanks much,looks like their right up the road from me.I'll keep you posted.Alex

12-23-2004, 04:37 PM
Gentleman,I'll start by listing what I have for componrts.Mitsubishi DA-A10 amp,DA-P10 pre amp Arcam CD92 source VMPS Tower Two Special Edition speakers,Panamax 5300.acfilter/ surge protecion device.Acoustic Zen Double barrel speaker cables and interconnects as well.I'm trying to fiqure out where my week link is?I'm thinking it's my amp and or pre- amp.It's what Mits called dual mornoral line of amps and pre-amps.Bought in 1982.I have'nt heard much good or bad about these units.I don't know if their even the week links.I guess I'm hoping they are. I guess if they are, I'm thinking how much will I have to spend to here an impovment..Thanks for the ear.Alex

You have an excellent source & speakers, upgrading your pre/power amp makes sense.

Mr Peabody
12-26-2004, 01:42 PM
I would not count out the Mits just because of the name. Dual mono is the path of most high end companies and Mits is fully capable of building some good gear if that was the path they chose. Mits had some outstanding car audio on the market in the late 80's, invented the handprint door opener and had video telephones before the public was ready for them. I'm sure they have many achievements I'm not even aware of. Not to mention they built the Zero. But this doesn't necessarily mean your amp/preamp is great either. It depends on what they were trying to do with that gear. I have owned some Kenwood gear that people would turn their nose up because of the name but this stuff was very good, well beyond their typical offerings. I also have a vintage Sansui integrated that has blown me away with it's performance. I guess my point is we have to evaluate a piece by it's performance and not just by name. Or, that whole judge a book by it's cover thing.

All my rambling aside, I would suggest trying some different components in place of yours to see what improves. If you are lucky enough to have a shop that will allow in home auditions you have it made. Or maybe you have some friends that wouldn't mind bringing some stuff over. I'm not familiar with your speakers. I would experiment there as well. You have a very good cd player i'd say your alright there.

12-26-2004, 04:09 PM
Thank you Mr Peabody,I was once told that my pre-amp should be changed out.A gentleman named Kieth Yates.He was the hihg end guy in Sacramento for a long time.I'm going to try PassLabs and FirstWatt.I'll let you know what I find.Alex